Halloween Special

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"So...... what do you want to do Hotaru-chan?"

It was Halloween eve and Hotaru was cuddled up with Izuku who was lying on top of a huge pile of pillows and Hotaru was also watching with Izuku's phone, considering that it was almost 9 months that Hotaru had been rescued and tutored by Izuku, she has become a bit more curious and liked to be blunt now that she isn't under the fear of getting hurt.

"I-I don't know... am I supposed to do something?"

"Well no, the choice is yours to make."

"Why do we celebrate Halloween anyways?"

Izuku smiled fondly as he caressed Hotaru's now white hair, she also had been progressing with her quirk, now they knew that it could manipulate any form of chlorophyll in the area into other green plants, Hotaru now also didn't flinched when Izuku came with direct contact to her which was a great progression.

"Halloween is celebrated to honour those who had passed away, as a way to remember the people who we loved who died."

Hotaru was still a bit shy and clingy to Izuku, always at least 2 feet near him, also she likes certain sweet treats such as cookies, Hotaru listened closely to Izuku's explanation about Halloween while Izuku was reading it from his phone, as Izuku was finished reading Hotaru was still reading the article.

"So... what should I do?"

"It's all up to you, why not let's see what we can do?"

Izuku searched through his phone and mind about what things to do with Hotaru-chan for her first Halloween, last time when his parents were still alive, he would have a party in Kachaan's house, also going to some places while wearing a costume, usually a ghost, although now since he was spending it with Hotaru, who isn't really a fan of crowds so that was out of the list, unless...

"Boss! I need helpppp!"

Uyemura rushed through the door startling Hotaru who jumped up a bit from where she was cuddling with Izuku who raised his eyebrow at the newcomer, Uyemura was still wearing her regular clothes as she slumped on the pile of pillows beside Izuku, Hotaru took a step back as she made a bit of space between her and her Onii-sama, she was still a bit jumpy to loud crashes.

"So... what do you need help with Uyemura?"

"Uhm... I need some advice again..."

"Did you stumble when you asked Yoshinaga-sensei into a date again?"

"No... but, I wanted to surprise him... with something that we can do together..."

Izuku pondered on his thoughts for a while and Uyemura hugged Hotaru while he was at it before smirking and then pulled his phone up to Uyemura which titled: 'Baking with loved ones', which made Hotaru drooled a bit thinking about the sweets while Uyemura just took the phone and Izuku pushed her to the door.

"Why not get started with this, and don't worry about attracting him, I'll do it."

"Uhm... are you sure that this is something that we both could---"

"Don't worry, now let us start, mind to help Hotaru-chan?"


Hotaru nodded her head while smiling and Uyemura couldn't help but coo at Izuku who looked at her with confusion, Izuku then went to the kitchen and surprisingly it was already decorated for Halloween and there, near the oven, a woman at the age of 27 whose hair was brown which was styled into a short straight hair that only reached her shoulders and didn't cover her forehead in an upside-down V shape, she had orange eyes, a white medical mask which covered her mouth, an orange T-shirt and dark mint green pencil skirt with an orange flower motif until her knees with white slip-ons shoes who was crouching to look inside the oven.

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