Chapter twenty

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I'm a bad author ngl! Haven't updated for years sorry. Life's messed up with me☄ I'm dying in school like tf goes to school at 7!?

🙃 (again I'm sick TT)

Hru guys?? Doing good right? If not here have a chapter 🌠

Author's pov:

The day was good for the members or I should say *ahem* chaotic.

The twins were resting after chasing the sunshine and mochi. While the other were upstairs having some talk.

"Are you really the nerd?" Jungkook asks Taehyung.

"How can you be so dumb. Yeah your right I am the nerd"

"Wait how tf-"


"The dumb author portraits you like that-"


"Nothing forget about it. By the way why aren't you seem shocked??"

"Hihi you really thought i was that dumb? Yeah It took years for me to recognise you but you know? Your my taetae I'm sure"

"Wait, don't tell me-"

"That i got my memories back? Yes I did. And I'm truly sorry for bullying you hyungie. It was just i can't explai- mhp"

Taehyung hugs Jungkook tightly.

"I'm glad you remember me atleast now"

"But why were you hiding yourself from me when you know me?"

"Long story... I can't say it... they can hurt you again. This reveal of my identity is only a big mistake. But i had none other choice just to reveal cause I know your bunny ass would ask me for sure"

Jungkook giggles.

"You know me so well~"


"What the-"

"HELP!!!!" someone dashed into their room.

"What's wrong!?" Taehyung says while looking at jimin.

"Save me-" *blast*

FLasH bAcK~ 💅

The twins were awake. Evily grinning from ears to ears. Their plan was *revenge*

Hoseok was sleeping after playing some games while jimin was in garden.

Yoongi took the opportunity to tear the clothes of him. While yoonji was planning something else in her mind.


Jimin came back as soon as rain started outside to see the twins on his friend.

"What are you doing-"

They both ran into kitchen. Poor jimin was confused untill he saw his friend



hoseok woke up at jimin's shouting.

"HOE AIN'T NAKED CHECK YOUR EYES- wait a damn minute.."

"Who was it?"

Jimin gluped and was about to point at twins when hoseok jumped into conclusions thinking it was jimin.


\DasHi RuN RuN runN!\

FLasH back over~

"Pfft- it was jimin istg!"

"IT WAS NOT ME IT WAS THE TWINS!! DON'T JUMP ON CONCLUSION!!" Jimin said while clinging on jungkook.

Taehuyng sighs. The twins were behind the door laughing and hi fing each other.

As soon as the chaotic calmed down with a settlement Namjoon with a dancing Jin came into the house.

"Hello everyone" joon said with a smile while having a trouble of handling a half drunk jin.

"Hola~" Jin said while clinging upon joon.

"Take jin hyung upstairs joonie hyung. We can talk later" yoonji said.

"Yes thank you"

Said joon while taking upstairs the jin who was babbling upon how earth is flat like *flatty kawa* 😂

//sorry just had to-//

"Okay enough of pranks and other matter. Now on to the work. We have The mafia around us.. we need to tale every step cautioned. We can't let our guard down from him. And junkook please i say please stay by our side.
Cause the main target is you"

Taehyung said with a serious face which will give you shivers even after your deceased.

Jungkook gluped. Even though he is know as a "bad boy" but he is truly not a bad boy as he was named.

He was selfish at first, hated people, bullied people for sure. But, he had a heart which longed for love after his father's death. His mother was a busy person who couldn't give all the attention thinking he was a grown up man.

He nodded at his first friend from childhood and earned a smile which send him to heavens at it's finest.

As returning a smile he said some things which made everyone choke.

"Okay daddy"

Everyone: .......

Important announcement:

I'm planning on ending this book with a few chapters sadly.

Then make a second book with a alternative ending with proper english and grammar T^T. /thinking but depends on how I end/

<q/a are still open >

People who loved this book I really appreciate the time and seconds you have spent on this ☄ shitty author's book☄

People who hated it well I don't mind cause every thing has haters. 👁👄👁

Take care remember your loved!
Lost of love and hugs ❤❤


School nerd is a mafia boss [Taekook]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora