The Awakening

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I leaned on the railing of the ship, eyes closed, as the warm evening summer breeze went peacefully around me. I opened my eyes to view the sea around the ship. The moon reflected on the water, then disappeared behind the clouds. I heard footsteps behind me. Toph had come to join me on the railing.

"Hi Toph," I said.

"Hey Sugar Queen," she teased.

I smiled a little. I barely smile these days. What? With my best friend passed out or worse? I needed the sound of his voice, the warmth of his hugs, and the dazzling smiles he flashes.

"So what's up?" Toph asked me as she leaned on the rail by my side.

"Same old," I said.

"Yea. I hear you sister. There's nothing to do. Twinkle Toes and I would be pranking the Fire Jerks right about now."

I laughed a bit.

"Thanks for getting my hopes up. I feel like Zuko on a bad day," I said.

Toph giggled. "It's always a bad day for him."

This time we both laughed. I can always rely on Toph when I need cheering up. Sometimes, when she's a brat, I can't. Then rely on Sokka or Aang. Mostly Aang. Sokka usually makes it worse. Sokka silently walked over and scared me. I jumped when I saw him in full Fire Navy uniform.

"You've got to stop wearing that around me you idiot," I snapped.

Sokka removed his helmet reveling his older face and grown hair.

"Keep forgetting you hate the baddy waddy Fire Nation and that you'll never forgive them for what they've done to your poor heart," he taunted.

I punched his face.

"Ow! What was that for?" he said rubbing his cheek.

"For being a jerk by making awful jokes like that at a time like this," I said.

Toph laughed. "Seriously Snoozles, you need to be quiet around your sister like that."

"Oh yea! I forgot it's alright that you can! Totally!" Sokka argued.

I left them to argue. I began to walk toward the door that led to the bedchambers. Two people dressed as guards stopped me. They pulled off their helmets. It was my dad and Bato.

"Going to visit Aang?" my dad said.

"Yes," I replied.

"You left the door open and I noticed you need to change his bandages," Bato said.

"Thanks," I said.

They let me through and I walked down the hall. It was very dimly lit. I finally reached Aang's room. Sure enough the door was open and he did need new bandages. He also needed a healing session. He had a pained expression on his face, one that I hate to look at. I walked in and shut the door. I walked over to a small drawer and took out some new bandages. I grabbed my water skin pouch on the top of the cabinet and then turned to Aang. I sat him up and removed his old bandages revealing the star shaped scar on his back. It cut through the path from his arrow and down his back. But the scar wasn't the only thing blocking his path. From the few weeks he had been out, hair had grown. I miss when he was bald and childish. I loved that part of him. I placed to new bandages around him after I healed his wound. The pained expression on his face softened. He sighed in his sleep. I placed him down and smiled a little. He was still alive thank the spirits. He began to mumble something. I couldn't understand at first but his mumbling grew louder.

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