The Boiling Rock Part 1

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One evening, Zuko was serving tea to all of us. I decided to cut Zuko a tiny it of slack for helping Aang. It doesn't mean I like him anymore than I did before.

"No one can make tea like Uncle. But hopefully I learned a thing or two. Would you like to hear Uncle's favorite tea joke?" he asked us.

"Sure," I said.

"I like jokes," Aang said.

"Bring it," Toph agreed.

Zuko walked over to Haru and The Duke. They took their cups.

"Well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punch line is, 'Leaf me alone, I'm bushed,'" Zuko said.

We all gave him long, dead panned looks. Zuko stood up and walked over to Aang and I. I grabbed some tea, so did Aang.

"Well, it's funnier when Uncle tells it," Zuko admitted.

"Right. Maybe because he remembers the whole thing," I said.

Aang laughed. Zuko blushed and smiled as everyone else laughed. Zuko got up and walked over to Teo and Toph. They took their cups.

"It's nice to get a chance to relax a little. It hardly ever happens," Toph said.

Zuko walked over to Sokka. He followed my brother to talk with him. I turned to Toph.

"Well, we might get a longer chance to relax when Sozin's Comet leaves and when we win," I pointed out.

"Yeah, we'll be heroes! And Toph will get the love back from all her adoring fans," Aang said sarcastically.

We laughed.

"Well, I told you that I miss the love," Toph said with a grin.

"It would be nice to be thanked for all of our hard work again," I said.

"Yeah, like the way you helped my father, my village, and I," Haru said.

"And how you stopped the Fire Nation from destroying the Air Temple," Teo said.

"And how you stopped Jet from killing all those people," The Duke said.

Aang and I smiled. Toph looked confused.

"What?" she asked.

"Before we met you, there was a lot of crazy adventures that Sokka, Aang, and I fought through," I said.

"Like when Sokka got caught in the Spirit World," Aang said.

"Or when Zuko tracked us down with my necklace," I said.

"Or the Siege of the North Pole," Aang said.

"How about when General Fong forced you into the Avatar State?" I said to Aang.

"The Cave of Two Lovers," Aang said blushing.

I laughed. "What about when you got accused for a crime during 'Avatar Day?'"

"The Swamp?" he said.

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