The Headband

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We hovered in Aang's cloud camo over the sea.

"I think I see a cave below," he said.

"Shhush... Keep quiet," Sokka snapped.

Appa landed and Aang blew the cloud away with a large air blast. Sokka hopped off Appa and hid behind a rock.

"Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud who knows how to keep its mouth shut," Sokka scolded.

"Yeah, we wouldn't wanna bird to hear us and turn us in," Toph said sarcastically.

"Hey! We're in enemy territory," Sokka said. "Those are enemy birds."

He pointed to four "enemies" perched on top of the rock he was hiding behind. On hopped down on his head and squawked. Toph, Aang, and I laughed. Sokka wasn't amused. We began to walk toward the cave with Sokka lurking behind. Suddenly he jumped from behind me and fell flat on his face. He sat up and peered suspiciously about as if an enemy got away. He walked into the cave as we followed.

"Well, this is it! This is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in a cave... after cave... after cave...," he moaned dropping his head in his chest.

"Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need was some new clothes," I suggested.

"Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out. If we get Fire Nation disguises, we'll be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave," Aang agreed.

"Plus... they have real food out there. Does anyone wanna sit around in the dirt eating cave- hoppers?" Toph asked.

She punched the cave wall and several hoppers hopped out. Momo snatched one and began to eat it.

"Looks like we got out voted, sport. Let's get some new clothes," Sokka said.

We walked around for a bit and found a laundry. Several items of clothing hanging on lines over steam vents. We hid behind some rocks to observe the scene. No one was around except the laundry's lone attendant, who was stealing a nap in the doorway. I was getting excited but Aang stole the fun by worrying.

"I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody," he said.

To get him in the mood I didn't listen.

"I call the silk robe!" I yelled.

I leapt from the rocks and ran to my prize. Then I snatched it from the line.

"But if it's essential to our survival, then I call the suit!" I heard him yell.

I waited for the others to grab their clothes. They came over to where I was standing and we ran to a beach to put on our new clothes. I hid behind some rocks and changed quickly, then I helped Toph. Sokka and Aang were on the other side. I needed to do my hair so I told Toph to go with the boys.

"We're done!" Aang called.

"I need to do my hair. Toph's going over," I called back.

As Toph went over Aang said, "Ooh. That reminds me!"

I saw him tie a headband to his forehead to hide his arrow.

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