Chapter 1

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To Issei it seemed like normal day, Little did he know the chain of events that were gonna be caused would affect him so much, He would have to embrace it, For the whole school day everyone was avoiding him, Even his friends in the ORC, He didn't know why, He didn't know if he did anything to upset them or not, He couldn't figure it out at all.

"Ddraig did i do something to offend my friends? I don't remember doing anything that would make them act this way." Thought Issei while trying to piece the puzzle together.

[I cannot say partner, I will admit they are acting up for some reason, Which reason I don't know though.] Responded Ddraig.

"Hmm, Well lets just hope it doesn't escalate too far, Or i will need to fix it." Thought Issei.

Soon the school bell was ringing, Signalling the lunch period to start, Issei wasn't really hungry, But he went towards the cafeteria anyway, He still couldn't figure out what he had done to be outcasted by his friends and family.

As he walked along the corridor of his classes, He kept on thinking what just could of he done? He had no clue at all, Was it something that he said that offended someone?

For all these unanswered questions he had they would soon answer themselves as he would be thrown into a situation he didn't expect, As he walked towards the cafeteria, He caught a glimpse of Akeno and Rias walking his way, Most likely going towards their next classes for the day, He wanted to apologize for anything he could have done to upset them, So he walked normally towards trying not to arouse any attention to himself, Since the school didn't really like that he was close to the ORC.

As he neared them, He went to speak, To try to apologize, But they just walked right past him, Like he didn't exist, Not a glance spared at him, No eye contact whatsoever, It only made him start to wonder even more about what he could of done.

He didn't even go to the cafeteria, He needed to talk to someone before it went further than it needed.

He soon found himself behind the door to the chemistry room, He was here to talk to his sensei Azazel to see if he possibly knew anything.

So he knocked on the door, Soon after 5 minutes the door was opened for him, But something was off as well with Azazel, As soon as he knew who was there he pretended to more interested in paperwork.

"Azazel, Is there something that i don't know about that made everyone mad at me?" Asked Issei hoping for a good answer.

"Sorry, I don't know, I couldn't tell you, Sorry but i have to go, Got some assignments to grade for my next classes." Spoke Azazel.

Issei didn't know what that was about either, Azazel was being overly formal with him for whatever reasons there were.

"Ok just what the fuck is going on with everyone?" Thought Issei as he started to get frustrated.

[I have no idea partner, It is truly strange and starting to be annoying.] Spoke Ddraig in his head.

As he walked back towards the cafeteria, He was starting now to panic as he clearly had no idea what he could of possibly done to warrant this type of reactions from them.

He wasn't even focused on going into the cafeteria, Soon he found himself sitting in the shade under the tree near the ORC room, After at couple of minutes of sitting down, He heard what sounded like a window to him open, He looked at the school to see if anyone opened one of the windows, Which there was none.

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