Chapter 7: New Recuit

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As the trio entered the Familiar Forest, they were met with what they were expecting, a forest with familiars as far as their eyes could see, now they just needed to find out where the Chaos Karma Dragon resided, they were quickly ripped away abruptly from their thoughts when a new voice spoke above them.

"Who are you and why are you here?" It was a male voice.

The three of them turned around to see a man in a white tank top with a yellow double strap backpack on his back, he had a hat with red hair poking out of the front as well, this was Zatouji the familiar master.

"We have no quarrel with you familiar master, we are only here to recruit the Chaos Karma Dragon Tiamat." Issei spoke aloud.

Zatouji got a shocked expression real fast, in his mind he didn't think anyone would be foolish to recruit the Dragon King Tiamat, most of the people who tried before to get her as a familiar were turned to ash if they couldn't handle their own against her in a fight.

"Who are you to be so foolish enough to dare trying to recruit the Dragon King?" Zatouji asked cautiously.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out, just point use in the direction in which she resides, i don't want to have to force it out of you." Issei said.

And he raised his energy a little bit to prove his point, seeing the sweat drop on the familiar master's head made Issei smirk, the tactic of intimidation could work wonders on the right people.

"Very well just try to keep the destruction to a minimum, you'll find her in a cave at the edge of the forest in that direction." Zatouji said while pointing.

"Thank you, we will be quick and leave." Issei said respectfully.

And so the three of them walked off in the direction they were told to go, soon a conversation started to brew between them.

"When the fight starts, which it will because dragons are a race of pride, she will not easily submit to me, you 3 better stay on the sidelines since there will be alot of power being thrown around, a Dragon King vs a Dragon God will cause alot of damage to the near by areas." Issei spoke.

"Right!" Dohnaseek replied.

"What about our living arrangements? Once we get her on her side, i doubt she will like the idea of living in an abandoned church that well." Kalawarner added.

"Your right Kalawarner, she will not like it very well." Raynare added.

"You guys are right, so that's why i'm going to ask someone to help us out." Issei spoke.

"Who do you have in mind?" Raynare asked confused.

"You could say she's a friend, well maybe not, but i believe she will help us." Issei replied vaguely.

"She?" Raynare asked, she was a little jealous since so many girls were about to enter there lifes.

"Yes she, there obviously will be a harem Raynare, you'll need to learn how to share Ray like Kalawarner said." Issei replied.

"Ugh fine." Raynare huffed.

So the three continued on in the direction towards there goal.

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