Chapter 4: Wall Of Souls

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As Issei looked back on the few days his new group spent training, He had to admit he was impressed, They had come quite the lengths in the short amount of time they used, Dohnaseek was able to make multiple spears at once and they were strong as well, Not to mention he was far more powerful than before, Kalawarner had built quite the magical reserves for the training she did, She was able to make a very good sword with enough holy power to kill a middle class devil, She was also able to manipulate the light magic into making some grenades, Raynare had for the most part been able to go toe to toe with Issei when he was at 10 boosts, She won alot of the sparring matches they had.

He was currently watching the TV in the living room, Everyone was resting since they were going to attack the Well tomorrow night, He was brought out of his thoughts as Bahamut started to talk out of nowhere.

{Issei?} Bahamut said as he clearly needed to talk.

Issei didn't know what he could want, He could only assume.

"Yes?" Issei responded to the dragon in his head.

{I think it's time i elaborate on your situation a bit before you go back to the real world.} Bahamut spoke suddenly.

[What do you mean situation? What are you hiding?] Ddraig interrupted suddenly, He was clearly worried for his host.

{Calm down Ddraig, It is not bad at all, I hid it from you guys so you wouldn't worry.} Bahamut spoke back.

"Worry about what? What is going on?" Issei asked.

{I'm going to be blunt Issei, Your going to become a dragon god, More powerful than you can imagine, You think the power you have now is amazing? Just wait till you get back to the land of the living.Bahamut joked.

"What do you mean?" Issei asked clearly confused.

{For you to understand, I'll need to elaborate a little more, The tools or weapons you call sacred gears, It is common belief among the supernatural world that only the God Of The Bible was the one to seal beings into a sacred gear, But the truth is that it is just a spell, And can be used by any supernatural being with the capabilities required, Now there are two ways to seal a being into a sacred gear, One is the way that god did it, The way those sacred gears work is, The way the sacred gear is given to its host, Binding, In short binding is a temporary bond between the host and the soul trapped within the gear, Allowing the host to temporarily tap into its power, Hence the Boosted Gear, It requires you to get stronger to be able to use more power from it, The other way is the way i did it, It is merging, It is a quick way to do it, Not many beings use this way since the effects, Merging gives the full power of the being that was sealed firsthand to the host, Effectively making him extremely powerful right of the bat, The reason that most beings don't use this way is due to the fact of its results, The main difference between Binding and Merging is that merging is permanent, Once the host dies, The being in the gear dies aswell, Hence binding results in the being will be passed on to its next host after the previous one dies.} Explained Bahamut.

"If it does that why did you do it?" Issei asked confused.

{There a few work loop holes to it, If the being is a god or has god like power they can be sent to purgatory, Hence i was there, Now that is through i will explain what i said about you being a dragon god.} Bahamut said.

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