Chapter 6: Party Crushing

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At the abandoned church, The 4 of them made a little living space downstairs after they cleaned it up, It was still temporary as Dohnaseek and Kalawarner didn't manage to secure a new place to start there group officially, They were currently discussing the plan to crash the Young Devils Gathering, Some where skeptical at the idea of barging in, A whole building filled with high class devils, But Issei didn't mind, He said that anyone who dared to step in his way would be disintegrated.

"So when are we going?" Asked Dohnaseek.

"Rias and the group haven't left the school yet, So in a day or two, We will use that time to get prepared, Make no mistake there will be enemies so you will need to be prepared to take on some, I will handle the ones that are too powerful for you, My main objective is to make an example out of Sirzechs so that everyone knows that if they step in my way, Then i will not hesitate to kill them, I'm not going to kill Sirzechs, No that would be too easy of a punishment, I got a better idea, Maybe i rip his wings out? What's a devil without his wings?" Issei explained.

"Well whatever you do to him, Make sure you leave a mark, You need to make them know they can't mess with you." Dohnaseek commented.

"Yep, I got that down." Issei responded.

"So what about the dragon faction? How are you going to turn people into dragons?" Kalawarner asked.

"I'll ask Bahamut real quick, It could be useful to know before we leave, You guys would be the first ones to do the transformations, It would make you incredibly stronger." Issei responded.

"Bahamut? How would i turn these 3 into dragons?" Issei asked curiously.

{Dragon's Essence, Every dragon has it, It is what they essentially what they were before they were born.} Bahamut explained.

"Huh? What do you mean exactly?" Issei asked confused.

{Dragons are actually masses of energy that go into a state similar to metamorphosis, Every dragon has its own unique essence that decides what type it is and how powerful it can become.} Bahamut explained.

"Ok then how do i get Dragon's Essence?" Issei asked once again confused.

[Normally you couldn't get it, Only god class beings have the power to extract own essence and use it, But since you have Bahamut now he can do it for you.] Ddraig added.

"Alright, He told me how to do it, It's called Dragon's Essence, I guess it's what dragons are actually made of before they are born." Issei explained.

"So are we going to become dragons?" Raynare asked curiously.

"Yup, This is a dragon faction after all." Issei responded.

"Ok then let's do it." Kalawarner spoke.

"Bahamut how do i turn them?" Issei asked curiously.

{Just hold out your right hand and I'll do the rest.} Bahamut spoke.

Issei then held out his right hand, Soon there was a pale glow around his whole arm as it started to grow, Soon it all condensed into three small spheres of pure energy, But these were different, He could tell it was pure life force.

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