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"C'mon dad! L-Let me go!" CDC begged as his father collected some items from his desk.

"The answer is no CeeCee." DC muttered stuffing his phone in his pocket.

"B-But dad! I-It's going to be hilarious! Bee, C-Cenny, and I were going to go down and laugh at the p-protestors." CDC pointed out following his dad out of his office.

"I said no to your buddy, grandpa, and my partners, your uncles probably in his office saying no to FBI and CIA, why would I say yes?" DC demanded putting his hands on his hips.

"Because you love me?" CDC offered with a nervous smile. DC rolled his eyes and straightened his tie, turning away from his son.

'P-Please? It'll be g-great especially after what h-he put you through this election!"

"Levin Kelly-Wright!" DC yelled, turning around. "You are not to come down to the Capitol until everything is done and finished, understood?" CDC sighed, when his dad used The Voice the argument was over.

"Y-Yes dad."

Paper jam, row three.

"O-Oh you p-piece of SHIT." CDC yelled, throwing open the top of the copier again. The one day Frank, the usual maintenance man for the CDC, was out would be the day the copier went on the fritz. CDC had been trying to make copies of the latest COVID numbers for the past hour, and all he had accomplished was another headache.

Pretty typical for a Wednesday in Washington, DC.

CDC sighed and closed the lid of the copier, sighing in relief as the machine ran normally. He pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time, 12:45, just fifteen more minutes and his cousins would be free for lunch. He felt bad defying his father, but he FBI, and CIA were going down to check out the protestors at the Capitol anyway. CDC did have a small twinge of fear about it, but he would be with the literal personifications of the FBI and CIA, he felt safer with them then the police force they had down there.

Paper jam, row two

That is, if the stupid copier stopped jamming!!

CDC opened the lid again and fought to take out the jam, ears vaguely registering police sirens passing by the building. But that was normal; if you didn't hear police sirens in Washington, DC during the day something was seriously wrong and you should be worried. It was almost comforting in a way.

"LEVI." CDC glanced up at one of his co-workers standing in the doorway of the copy center looking scared.

"Levi, you gotta come see this." The co-worker announced before dashing off.

"O-Oh what the f-f-fuck did he do now?" CDC muttered checking his phone again. 1:00, ugh he was going to be late. CDC made his way down the hall and was soon joined by other co-workers crowding into the breakroom. He could hardly get in the door there were so many inside, and they were all gathered around the small TV in the center of the room.

"W-W-What's going on?" CDC asked, vaguely interested and wondering if he could sneak out with all the commotion.

"Trump supporters are surrounding the Capitol, they think they want to get inside." A co-worker announced to CDC.

"WHAT." CDC yelled before pushing through the crowd and making his way to the front of the line. The TV had been switched to CNN, and it just confirmed his worst fears. Protestors from the rally all going up the Capitol steps, the police either overwhelmed or allowing them through, waving yellow 'don't tread on me', American, and Orange flags, throwing smoke bombs, and screaming about stopping the steal.

"N-No." CDC whispered, watching the screen in terror. They were getting dangerously close, and were going to be able to get inside. Would they be able to get to the chambers? Could everyone get to the tunnels in time? He tried to wrack his brain trying to remember where the tunnels were from when he, FBI, and CIA used to play tag in but his anxiety won out and he was finding himself pushing past the crowd again into the open hall. CDC tumbled out and quickly dashed off, pushing throw co-workers talking or delivering papers. As soon as he spotted the elevators he took his cellphone out of his pocket, dialing his dad's number and waited.

"C-C'mon dad, p-pick up. Pick up your phone." CDC begged. The phone rang and rang until...

"You have reached the voicemail of George Kelly-Wright, please leave a-"

"D-DAMN IT." CDC screamed, stopping in front of the elevator. He pressed the down button so many times, he thought the damn thing would explode as he dialed another number before impatiently waiting for the elevator.

"B-Bee? Bee it's me, CDC." CDC announced, sighing in relief when his cousin answered the phone. "Did y-you see the news?" The elevator dinged signifying it's arrival, and CDC didn't even wait for the stream of people to leave before jumping in.

"My dad's n-not p-picking up! Did you try yours?" CDC asked. A pause. CDC silently cursed. "W-What about Aunt Iz-I know if they didn't pick up why would she but T-TRY IT. Meet me at the Capitol!" CDC ended the call and leaned back against the wall of the elevator, feeling it slowly go down and reach the bottom floor.

"Have I t-told you you're the b-best dad lately?" CDC asked. DC glanced up from his lackluster 'I had five minutes to go grab food' lunch and raised an eyebrow.

"What did you do?" DC asked.

"I-I can't I love my d-dad without doing something?" CDC asked in mock horror. DC rolled his eyes but ruffled his son's hair.

"I love you too cuddles."

"P-Please l-let this not be as b-bad as it seems." CDC whispered to the elevator ceiling as the cart reached the ground floor, and opened up it's doors. 

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