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California glanced up at the sound of a door opening and shutting as his boyfriend stepped through the door.

"Alright, Gov and Izzy are ready to go, most of the states are in the lobby, you need to go." DC announced.

"It ain't safe for ya!" Texas yelled, crossing his arms.

"It's fine Tex, there's security out the ass in the chambers and if anything goes wrong the DC police and Nat are a phone call away." DC explained.

"I still don't like it." California muttered looking back outside.

"We really should go in there with you, to protect you!" Florida announced spinning around on DC's office chair.

"Yeah no, after the Christmas party, they're not going to want you back." DC muttered rolling his eyes.

"Guys, will you relax?" New York yelled. "A bunch of nutjobs can't do nothin'. The worst they'll get is some debris thrown at them." That did nothing to soothe the minds of the boyfriends whose eyes went back and forth to the protestors outside and DC.

"Okay if it's not us, will you guys at least let Gov's kids to walk in with you?" California begged.

"Gov sent them to work, and he was right to do it. The counting is just another day, guys I really need to go! It was bad enough getting dad and papa out the door." DC begged.

"Yeah no I ain't leaving." Texas announced.

"Rosie this is far too dangerous." California pointed out.

"I'll unleash chaos!" Florida offered. DC face palmed (alongside New York), then dug in his pocket, pulling out his wallet and pulling out a sleek black card.

"Look, take my card, go to lunch with the states my treat." DC begged handing the card to New York.

"But DC...."

"Go. Please? Then we can meet up for dinner later and we'll all have a big laugh over this." DC begged. The main five sighed, and slowly got up to give their goodbye kisses and leave their fed alone to head into the chambers. Loui was the last to leave, putting a heavy hand on DC's shoulder.

"Puddin', you got my protection spell on ya?" Loui whispered.

"Don't worry, it's right next to me in my coat pocket." DC said with a smile. Loui nodded and kissed DC gently before leaving him in the middle of his office to join the rest of the states and his boyfriends.

A subway car pulled away from the station, sending out a gush of wind so strong that it nearly knocked commuters over on the platform. Commuters were making steady strides out of the station, either trying to talk on their phones or with their travel companions, both equally difficult because of the reception or loud train respectively. They all eventually made it out into the cool, January air heading out to their final destination or lingering around the sidewalk.

"That was a good lunch." Oregon announced as the rest of the states made it up the stairs.

"Yeah 'cept they clearly used canned grits." Georgia muttered as Kentucky lit up next to him.

"God will you let it go?" Tennessee asked, rolling his eyes.

"It should be illegal to sell pre-made grits!"

"Did you have to buy that twenty-five dollar sandwich?" California asked, eyeing his fellow western state with contempt.

"DC gave us his card and I figured why not." Washington said with a shrug. "I'll buy coffee for the house, that'll shut him up." The conversation quickly turned over to what they should do to kill the time between the counting and when DC was free again. Some states suggested checking out some of the local museums, while others (namely Florida) wanted to go back and see if they could cause any chaos with the protestors. The argument had just turned to whether or not antiquing was 'old people's hobbies' when a loud noise on the street made Maine turn away. A large National Guard truck came thundering down the street, making passerbyers stop and stare as it turned quickly around a corner and disappeared.

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