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Okay quick guide: 

Betsey: Gov's mom

Adam: Gov

Jenny: IDC

Georgie: DC 

Chris: District

Carol: District's mom (fuck Carol) 

Levi: CDC

FBI: Danny

CIA: Freddy

The morning of the insurrection was pretty standard for Elizabeth 'Betsey' Hamilton. She woke up early as usual, had a nice breakfast, went for a run and did her daily chores around the house. She hoped Kentucky and Georgia would come by after the counting for some dinner, unless Gov was taking everyone out, or maybe she could pop over to the offices and see everyone. Betsey briefly talked on the phone with Gov before they headed into the counting, a small pit in her stomach because DC and IDC were with him, which was unusual. Still she ignored it, told her son to behave, and hung up the phone without a care in the world.

She was in the middle of making a pie when her Apple Watch went off, announcing that the Capitol had been breached and was under attack.

Betsey lost track of how many hours she spent staring at the news on the TV, the images of the protestors storming the steps, waving their flags and pushing back against the Capitol police (and eventually) the DC police. All she could think of were Gov, IDC, and DC how scared they must be trapped in those tunnels. What about the states? The trio's fathers, DC's boyfriends, they all must be so worried. She was briefly calmed when the National Guard pulled up and people were being arrested, but she would not be fully calmed until she heard from her son or nephews or niece.

Of course her sister didn't care about her nephews and niece, or any of the states, all she said in her phone call was how these were the right people and Congress should take this as a warning. Carol couldn't even answer if District was okay before Betsey hung up.

Betsey had fallen asleep after watching the news for hours, only being awoken by the ringing of her cellphone. She jumped up and snatched her phone off the couch armrest, heart soaring when she saw 'Adam' on the ID screen. Her handles trembled as she answered the call.

"ADAM?" Betsey yelled, clutching the pearls around her neck.


The DC District jail holding cells were bleak and damp as night fell in the nation's capital. The cells were crammed full of insurrectionists, some yelling about free speech and their rights, others crying that their God hadn't come and saved them like promised. It seemed like the police were coming in and adding more every minute, tossing them in among the animals like they were common trash. In one cell, that was more full then the rest, were the states, all silent, all in various stages of grief. Even Florida, who usually looked on the brighter side of things and could possibly plan an escape, was silent, cuddled into Loui looking small and pale, nothing like his usual self.

The most common thought among the states is that they failed, they failed to save their fed.

Their fed.

It was becoming a more common thought among the states outside of meetings; DC who hadn't started the meetings until 2020 and worked so hard to get them representation and have their voices be heard, was their fed. He cared, none of the other feds who came to try to run the meetings ever cared and were easily run off by Florida. But DC held his ground and was now as one of them as he could possibly be. If the south were of better mind they could argue he was technically part of the south since he and his sister were raised by two southern states in the south but that didn't matter right now.

A loud clicking noise made the states look up to see one of the police men unlocking the jail cell.

"You're free to go." The policeman announced sliding open the gate.

"Free? How?" Virginia demanded getting up.

"Someone paid your bail." The policeman explained as the states filtered out. They left the holding area and walked down the hall to the lobby, stepping through the doors to see FBI just getting off the phone with someone.

"FBI?" Massachusetts whispered as the states approached him.

"That was fast." FBI said with a sigh.

"Did you pay our bail?" Alabama asked curiously.

"Yeah, had to go all scary fed on them too. Dad would be proud." Gov said with a sad smile.

"How's DC?" Ohio asked, nervous energy radiating off the walls. FBI sighed.

"According to the call I just recieved from Nat, DC is on his way to the hospital. He never made it to the tunnels and was under the stairs with Minnesota. He's shell shocked." FBI explained. The states went silent again to let the news sink in, some had neutral expressions while others conveyed silent horror or small bits of silence.

"Which hospital?" Wyoming demanded finally breaking the hospital. "Is CDC with him?"

"CDC is with him and Kentucky. I believe CIA is taking the others to the hospital. They've been safe in a small cafe." FBI explained. "I've got some cars up front to send you to the hospital, let's go." The states followed FBI dutifully, all still silent with the minds reeling. DC was their fed, and their fed was hurt. They could not let this happen again.

No one would hurt their fed ever again.

".....so the counting is restarting in a few minutes and I'm going to go make sure it goes smoothly."

"Okay let me get this straight." Betsey said with a sigh, rubbing her temple. "You and Jenny made it into the tunnels in time, but Georgie didn't for some reason. He was trapped under the stairs for hours while the protestors were inside. Meanwhile the states, Kentucky and Georgia, and his boyfriends, as well as my grandbabies, saw what was happening, half the states went to try to get in to save them and got arrested. Minnesota kept watch on DC and he and DC are in the hospital with Kentucky and my grandbaby is taking care of them."


"Jesus fucking Christ." Betsey sighed leaning back.

"The important thing is everyone is safe. Danny is bailing the states out of jail and Freddy is with the other states. Levi is taking care of Georgie and papa." Gov pointed out.

"I never thought my babies would be at risk." Betsey whispered, feeling tears brim in her eyes.

"Oh c'mon mama, worse has happened. Remember when you couldn't get a hold of me for hours because of the Pentagon?" Gov said, trying to make his mother laugh. No laugh came from Betsey, not even a smile. She couldn't get those images out of her head.

"....Will you come home straight after the counting?" Betsey asked.

"Course mama. I'll even call you when I get back to the apart-"

"NO." Betsey yelled, jumping up. "I want you home tonight. I want Danny and Freddy with you. Please Adam, baby, I can't lose you like your father." Gov swallowed hard, he never heard his mother sound so broken before. He briefly wondered if he was running on autopilot, the fact that he lived through an insurrection hadn't hit him until now.

"Okay mama I will." Gov whispered. "Should I bring Chris with me?"

"Yes dear of course, Lord knows Carol doesn't give a shit." Betsey muttered, rolling her eyes. Her sister was probably planning on how to make the insurrection about her to all her supper club friends, Carol made her sick sometimes.

"We have to go in now mama, I'll call you when it's over, okay? I love you." Gov said softly.

"I love you too baby." Betsey whispered. As soon as they hung up, Betsey fell back in her chair in despair, staring at the floor beneath her and trying to calm down from the stress of the day. A few minutes passed until Betsey stood up, shoulders back, and turned off the TV before marching out of the living towards the linen closet.

She had some guest beds to make up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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