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drug mention in the beginning tw 

If you look there's some hints what part 4 will have

Gov, IDC, DC, and District are cousins but they're more like siblings

Dizzy: Hey. Hey Gov. Gov.

Dizzy: Gov. Gov.

Dizzy: Adam. Adaaaaaam. Adam.

Dizzy: ADAM.


Dizzy: Will you please livestream the counting for me?

Gov: I told you before NO.

Dizzy: Why nooooot.

Gov: I'm not livestreaming a serious

procedure to my cousin, so he can

make memes about it with his friends!

Dizzy: I bet if I ask DeeDee or Izzy they would

Gov: I highly doubt that

District put his head in-between the pages of his Law 101 book and sighed deeply. He had woken up with a headache, which was not unusual for the college student, but no matter how many meds he took, it would not go away. He almost wished he took his roommates advice and took one of his edibles but at this point he doubted it'd do anything.

The capitol sighed and picked his head up, gazing around the college library. Despite the counting going on nearly ten blocks away, it had been a relatively normal day. He snarkily texted Washington this morning as he arrived to his first class, seeing the heightened security measures the college implemented, talking about how useless they were and how no 'single-celled redneck was going to make it a foot on campus'. District pulled out his phone and pulled up his last text exchange with his boyfriend, explaining that DC had sent them to lunch before the counting started with strict instructions to take as long as they needed.

Wash: Seems kind of insulting he also sent their goddamn secretary away too but I also just charged a twenty dollar sandwich to his card so...

District snorted but grabbed his head, the headache throbbing once again. He couldn't stand it, he needed to take another round of meds. District stood up and looked around the study area where he sat, eyes falling on a classmate at the table next to him.

"Hey Ryan can you watch my stuff? I need a drink." District asked.

"Your things are safe with me!" Ryan announced saluting. District power walked from the study area to the library's cafe, grabbing a drink from the cooler and waiting to pay for it with the other students. Above the register were two large TV's, placed on the news which, unsurprisingly, was covering the counting. District rolled his eyes as the line moved forward, seeing the angry protestors surrounding the Capitol, fired up after Orange's speech.

"Gov should've listened to Bee and Cee and let them escort him, Izzy, and DeeDee in." District thought as he moved up to pay. He paid for his drink and hurried outside, preferring the cool early-January air to the stuffy library one to calm his headache. District took a large swig of his drink then downed two ibuprofen, swallowing just in time to hear the roaring of sirens and two police cars coming thundering down the street. He raised an eyebrow as they barely clipped the corner, racing away from the school and towards an unknown location.

"Someone's in trouble." District snorted, capping his drink and going back to the library. He sighed as he went back to the study area, pulling out his chair.

"Thanks Ryan."

"No problem dude, hey did you hear what's going on at the Capitol?" Ryan asked. District looked back over to the cafe where more students and library personnel were gathered by the register TV's then back at Ryan.

"The idiots protesting?" District asked.

"Nah man! They're storming the Capitol!" Ryan announced.

"WHAT?" District screamed, jumping up so fast his books spilled to the floor. Ignoring Ryan's shocked expression, and a 'shhh' from another fellow college student, District ran back to the library cafe and pushed to the front to get a better view of the horror happening on the screens. Thousands of protestors carrying flags, assault weapons, and nothing that was hammered down were running up the steps of the Capitol trying to stop the counting. The police that were there were becoming overwhelmed and some were even allowing a few through. District watched in shock and horror, mind immediately jumping to his siblings stuck inside the chambers. Did they get the call to evacuate yet? Had they already evacuated? Did they remember where the tunnels were? District couldn't just stay here like a sitting duck; he had to help them!

District ran out of the cafe, digging his phone out of his pocket and instantly dialed DC's number, heart becoming heavy after every ring before finally

"You have reached the voicemail of George Kelly-Wright, please leave a-"

District cursed and tried Gov's next, but much like the first

"Make it fast."

"One of you answer your damn phones!" District yelled out of the library and pressed Izzy's number last. He waited, and waited but she followed the pattern

"You have reached Jennifer Kelly-Wright. I'm sorry I'm not around to take your call, please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. And if this dad or papa please just call my personal phone I'm not busy just call-"

"FUCK." District screamed, stuffing his phone back in his pocket. He had to get there, he had to get to the Capitol and make sure they were alright. It was only ten blocks, he could make it in five minutes if he sprinted.

"CHRIS." District froze and turned around, nearly getting knocked down by the weight of his boyfriend hugging him.

"What are you doing here?" District yelled as Washington broke the hug.

"We were just at the Capitol, it's a massacre over there." Washington explained.

"Have you heard from them yet? Where's Gov, DC and IDC?" District demanded.

"We don't know! We just got back from lunch when we got the alert! I came to make sure you were okay." Washington explained.

"I'm fine, but we're going back!" District announced before Washington grabbed his arm.

"No! It's not safe over there!" Washington yelled.


"And if you go over you'll be hurt too! I won't let that happen!" Washington demanded. District glared at his boyfriend before attempting to break from his hold but the state was quicker, grabbing the capital and forcing him to stay put. District resisted a few more times before finally collapsing on his knees in emotion, Washington going down with him attempting to whisper soothing words to him.

"God just let me go!" District wailed. "Let me go! I need to make sure they're okay! I want to make sure they're okay!"

Gov: What do you think of this tie?

Dizzy: Makes you look like a stuffy dork

Gov: Gee. Thanks.

Dizzy: Just be safe in there okay? I can't lose my favorite dork

Gov: Dick.

Dizzy: I love you too

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