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"And after this, how can you deny the people are mad?" The politicians trapped in one of the tunnels trapped underneath the Capitol tried to ignore the raving of their colleagues as they waited for the all clear. It had been three hours since the original siege, some politicians occupied themselves with talking about official matters, others tried to stir resolve among their colleagues, and some tried to play childish games. Among them, Gov sat against the wall staring at the ceiling, fingers snapping as he tried to regain his wit. Next to him on the floor was IDC, trying to keep calm herself but her eyes and face twisting with worry as she glanced around looking for her twin.

"There were two tunnels." Gov whispered, voice low and even. His official voice.

"But I saw him take a hard left! That's in the opposite direction!" IDC pointed out.

"If anything happens, my boys and our nephew will find him." Gov reassured, although his eyes had a hint of worry.

"He probably got caught up in the insurrection. Weak little thing, never stood a chance." A politician mocked, right across from the pair.

"Shut the fuck up!" IDC yelled.

"Why was he even the government? Shouldn't the personification of our democracy have a spine?" The politician continued to jeer. IDC was about to speak again but Gov put a hand on her shoulder and stepped forward.

"All three of us are essential to running this country, you're aware of this." Gov pointed out.

"He's spending too much time with those states! Maybe he should lead 'em instead of letting six of 'em-" The position never finished his sentence, Gov grabbed him and slammed him against the wall.

"You keep my brother's personal matters out of your mouth." Gov hissed. "If you disrespect him again, I'll make you disappear." He dropped the terrified politician on the ground and went back to IDC, who couldn't hide her smirk. A few tense minutes passed; just before the first politician could start ranting again, the locks to the tunnel began to move. Several politicians jumped up in fear, IDC got to her feet but Gov tossed an arm in front of her as a shield. The door swung open and everyone in the tunnel held their breath.

"National Guard!" A voice called. "The Capitol is secure!"

CDC expected to see a lot of things at the hospital when he arrived.

Protestors overflowing the rooms, screaming about fraudulent elections and fake news. Nurses and doctors running around trying to force masks while police went around questioning the patients.

What he didn't expect was to see his buddy on one of the beds.

They had Kentucky propped up on a bunch of pillows with his leg elevated to try and speed up the healing. His bad knee was wrapped in gauze, which was already soaked in blood, and his pants (his only good pair of jeans, CDC thought) had to be cut at the leg so nurses could tend to the wound. His hair was plastered against his forehead thanks to sweat, but, and CDC silently chuckled to himself over this fact, they couldn't put a hospital gown on him since he was still proudly wearing his Wildcats shirt.

"B-Buddy?" CDC called, making Kentucky turn his head.

"Cuddles?" Kentucky whispered hoarsely as the nurse handed CDC a clipboard. The nurse's notes were all about the bizarre fix job on the patient's knee, with methods not seen since the early days of medicine. CDC made a mental note to 'change' these notes when he could.

"H-How y-you do-doing b-buddy?" CDC asked approaching the bed.

"Your grandfather is going to kill me." Kentucky chuckled weakly, wincing in pain.

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