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The dorm room was quiet.

The lights were out, plunging the room into an inky black, broken only by a small sliver of light from the drawn blinds. A TV was playing on silent, showing images of the storming of the Capitol, capturing the moment for future generations to look back on in horror. District sat on the floor, gazing up at the TV as Washington held him. His roommate had made a passing mention of watching the storming high but Washington shut it down real quick.

District needed a new roommate.

The capitol played with his phone that sat uselessly next to him, praying to any higher power for a call. His mother called, but made no mention of the storming or the safety of his siblings. She just huffed from her high horse that the states should've just changed the results or checked them thoroughly like Orange said.

Washington made him hang up before he told her off.

District wondered if the states knew what was happening or even his nephews. Were his uncles worried? Were some of the states cheering the insurrection on? From the news, it looked like Nat was finally deployed, national guard troops storming the building trying to prevent any more damage, but was it too late for Gov, IDC, and DC? He jumped at 'Nearly Witches' suddenly playing and he scrambled to pick up his phone, scowling at the ID on the screen.

"Uncle Geo?"

"Sir. All corridors on the third floor are clear." A trooper announced approaching Nat in the lobby of the Capitol building several hours later. Nat put his radio back on his belt and nodded at the trooper.

"Go make sure the halls from the library are clear." Nat ordered. The trooper nodded and rushed back out with his crew, as more troopers passed Nat by with more insurrectionists having been arrested after being found hiding. Nat knew his boss was going to have his head for this, but after seeing the DC police finally descend on the scene Nat knew he had to deploy his troops, orders be damned. The fact that the corridors were either coming back clear or having been cleared gave the guard some hope that the three feds had made it into the tunnels, and now it was all a matter of making the building safe.

"Sir since everything is clear, can't we just open the tunnels?" Another troop asked. Nat eyed him wearily. The trooper from the very beginning, even as insurrectionists still swarmed, seemed hellbent on letting the politicians out of the tunnels. Nat was going to have to keep an eye on him.

"No. We still have to check the far reaches of the Capitol before we can get them out. It'll be a while yet." Nat explained. The trooper groaned, oh yeah Nat was going to have to keep an eye on him. Nat turned back to his platoon.

"I'm going to check the main entrance way. Call me with any news." Nat ordered. The platoon nodded and Nat went off, looking for any more insurrectionists or trapped people that his men may have missed. This part of the Capitol was beautiful with it's high rise ceiling filled with art work to the marble floors that reflected off the various metals on Nat's uniform. He passed a large ivory staircase, that Gov jokingly called 'The Grand Staircase', and was about to turn down the hall of statues when he heard whispering. Quickly, Nat grabbed the gun off his holster, pressing his body against the wall of the stairs and inching towards the hidden alcove ready to attack anything that might jump out. As he got closer, he noticed a gray sleeve peeking out from behind the wall and soft whispering. It nearly made him drop his guard, but he shook those feelings away as he increased his steps, whirling on the hidden people gun drawn.

"FREEZE." Nat yelled. Instantly he lowered his gun in shock. It was Minnesota, leaning against the wall of the steps with his hands up looking scared. And leaning on him was...

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