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A/N: This ones a little longer then CDC's mostly 'cuss it's dealing with the twins, FBI and CIA


"WHAT?" Gov yelled, snapping his head up.

"First off, rude." FBI said, mock offended. "Second, I was wondering when we were heading to the Capitol?"

"I'm heading to the Capitol, you're going to work." Gov said opening up his laptop.

"Dad c'mon! We'd be great body guards!" CIA pointed out.

"Yeah! We'd fight off those protestors!" FBI said mock-fighting CIA. Gov watched his twins "fight" wearily before sighing.

"Boys, I'll be fine. It's not my first rodeo." Gov explained.

"Did you see those people? Three teeth between all of 'em!" CIA yelled.

"Cenny, that's rude." Gov scolded.

"He's right though." FBI muttered.

"Boys." Gov said with a sigh. "I will be fine. I don't want you to worry about me."


"Boys." Gov said with a hard edge to his voice. FBI and CIA sighed.


All things considered, most of what it was like working for the FBI and CIA was a lot of sitting around doing nothing.

Unless you were actively working on cases, most of FBI and CIA's job was desk work, boring paperwork which, if you didn't stretch it all day, you'd have nothing to do for the rest of your shift. It wasn't as exciting as the CDC or working for the government.

Wrestling your brother helped pass the day.

CIA pinned FBI on the ground after an extensive wrestling session, grinning wildly.

"I win!" CIA cheered.

"That's not fair! You cheated!" FBI whined.

"How the hell did I cheat?" CIA argued.

"You kicked my leg out!"

"That's a legal move!"

"NATTIE tell him he's wrong!" FBI whined to National Guard who was trying to fill out paperwork.

"Tell him he's wrong!" CIA yelled.

"I wish you both would shut up." National Guard muttered not looking up from his paperwork. FBI took the distraction as a chance to overthrow CIA as the wrestling match started anew. National Guard attempted to ignore the twins fighting on the ground when his ears perked up to loud noises upstairs. He got up, walked past the brothers, and went to the window.

"Huh. That's one of my trucks." National Guard muttered.

"Whatcha mean?" FBI asked peeking up from headlocking CIA.

"One of my trucks just went down the street." National Guard said, taking his phone out. "I don't remember getting the order to deploy."

"Maybe it's just a fluke!" CIA choked out before elbowing FBI in the stomach. Before his twin could retaliate, a harsh yell snapped them to attention.

"DANIEL. FREDWICK." FBI and CIA jumped up and faced their boss who was standing in the doorway.

"Meeting room. Now." The boss ordered before storming off.

"What the fuck did you do?" FBI hissed as the two walked out of the room.

"Why is it always what I did?" CIA hissed back. The twins were comforted seeing the other agents filter into the meeting room, meaning they didn't do anything wrong, but were still confused as they stood in the back as the rest walked in. Their boss waited until the last agents filled the room before starting.

"The Capitol is under attack." The boss announced, instantly starting the mummers. FBI and CIA's world suddenly went gray. "We just got the call from the DC police. They haven't been deployed yet and we're to go down and help defuse the situation."

"Why the fuck haven't they been deployed yet?" FBI screamed.

"Hamilton language!"


"The police and the national guard will be deployed soon, your family will be okay but we need to go down and see what we can-HAMILTON." Their boss screamed as both twins ran out of the room. The ran back to their office, where National Guard still stood, frantically texting on his phone.

"The Capitol is under attack." National Guard announced, his usual cool and even voice filled with worry.

"We know." Both twins announced running through their desks looking for various weapons.

"I don't know why I haven't been ordered to deploy yet!" National Guard yelled.

"Keep working on it, National, we're heading up there." FBI ordered the playfulness of his voice gone. The twins hurried out of their office, FBI leading the charge and CIA hanging behind to try and get their dad on the phone. The older twin briefly turned at a small curse uttered by his brother.

"I keep getting his voice mail." CIA announced holding out the phone for FBI to hear. The dial tone rang for a minute before the "Make it quick" voice mail prompt hit. FBI cursed as he felt his own phone ring.


"B-Bee? Bee it's me, CDC." CDC announced. "Do you have any news?"

"National Guard or the DC police haven't been deployed yet." FBI announced directing his brother down the stairs to the lobby.

"My dad's n-not p-picking up! Did you try yours?" CDC asked. FBI cursed again and turned to his brother.

"Uncle Dee's not picking up either." FBI announced before turning back to his phone call. "No dad's not picking up." He winced at the curse from his younger cousin as the twins reached the lobby. He paused, much to the confusion of CIA.

"CeeCee if dad or Uncle Dee isn't picking up why would Aunt Iz-"

"I know if they didn't pick up why would she but T-TRY IT." FBI rolled his eyes and hung up the phone, turning to his twin. "Try Aunt Izzy."

"Are we meeting him down at the Capitol?" CIA asked, immediately dialing his aunt's number.

"Well that's where they want us right?" FBI half-joked. "Let's roll."

"Dad." Gov turned from throwing on his suit jacket to face his sons who were at the door of his office.

"I keep telling you both, you're not being our body guards." Gov argued.

"No it's not that." CIA announced. "Do you remember where the tunnels are?" Gov swallowed hard and stood up straighter.

"The tunnels for evacuation? Of course I do." Gov said.

"Just making sure." FBI said with a ghost of a smile. "Please....please be safe." Gov sighed and adjusted his suit jacket.

"I love you both."

"Love you too, dad." 

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