Vol 1. Chapter 1.2- Private points

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The entrance ceremony ended and it was really boring.

They gave us a map and rules of the facilities so that we could locate ourselves in the institute. As the classes ended in the middle of the noon, I decided to go to the dormitories, although first I went to the store to buy something to eat.

As soon as I get in, grab some inexpensive things. I also noticed another unpleasant encounter.

"I really did to have to see you again, it is enough that you are next to me in the classroom."

He turned to see me and by his look I feel that he would be able to kill me.

'' It's not like I want to talk to a guy like you either, '' he replied.

''I heard. He appreciates spending my time talking to a dog, '' I refute.

These encounters are getting more and more stressful, however I do enjoy teasing these suckers a bit.

Bringing in the asocial girl from before, I noticed a basket of free items. This further confirms what Chabashira told us earlier.

I left the store and saw Red-kun arguing with some third years.

'' Oi bastard, this is our place ''

I took out my cell phone while turning on the recorder.

'' I was here first so long '' Red-kun replied

'' Wow ... how scary. What class are you in? Oh wait, forget it. Let me guess ... you're in class D, right? ''

''Problem with that?''

I approached red-kun and tried to stop him before he hit these guys.

''Hey! other shit the defective ones ''

Defective? I wouldn't be surprised if Class D is where they collect this school's waste.

They will make good guinea pigs.

'' You three, you better leave right now. ''

'' They do have guts ''

I finished the recording and showed them to that three.

-Oi bastard, this is our place.

-I was here first so long.

-Wow ... how scary. What class are you in? Oh wait, forget it. Let me guess ... you're in class D, right?

-Problem with that?

-Hey! other shit the defective ones.

They were surprised and turned around.

Like I'm going to let them go that easy.

'' You shits! '' I yelled '' where you think you're going ''

One of them turned around, maybe it's the leader of those idiots.

'' What do you want? '' He replied.

'' They think I'm going to let them go like this. I still have this recording, I can inform the managers and I don't think they want to waste 3 years for bothering a Kouhai "I was not going to report them but this way I will get some information and maybe points who knows." from the store in 5 minutes, '' I added before turning around.

Red-kun who watched the whole scene saw me somewhat confused.

'' Man ... I didn't think you would do something like that '' he said

Now that I find out I don't know his name. Well, I left the classroom early and did not listen to all the presentations.

Another day I ask him.


I was in the back of the store and I saw those three sitting on some boxes.

''I said.

'' Delete that right now '' said one of them as they all got up.

I already knew that it was almost certain that they would try to beat me to erase the evidence.

'' Sorry guys, after all who you plan to hit is me. You better give me half your points and I let you go unscathed: D ''

I don't want to resort to violence in this place.

'' Do you think you are capable against all three? ''

They are really dumb.

'' Bastard '' they yelled at the same time.

oh shit here we go again

I didn't even have to strain to dodge those kicks.

I took the right arm of the lowest of the three and applying a little force in my grip I pulled it to the ground with enough force to leave it there for a long time and also without causing any visible injuries.

The one who seemed to be the leader hit me at the solar plexus.

The solar plexus is one of the muscles that cannot be toned no matter how much training you do. A good hit there can cause a stomach bleed.

I took his arm and kicked him in the abdomen.

The last one who seemed to be the most skilled threw a couple of kicks at me. I managed to dodge them easily but they had the power to knock out a normal person.

But I'm sorry ... I'm not a normal person.

In my stay with Matsuo when honing my social skills. I saw a couple of movies and in several of them they performed flashy stunts when fighting with the antagonist.

I wonder what they would look like in real life.

I swayed my body back, managing to do a flip to dodge another of his kicks. Then I jumped up and gave him a kick.

'' Crane kick '' I yelled.

Damn it looks great !!

All three were on the floor.

A / N: This is the first time I write a fight ... I promise that when I fight Ryuuen I will do better 😭

'' Now give me 80% of your points '' I told them while smiling.

I was going to ask them about the expulsions and other doubts that were now beginning to accumulate.

But I have a plan for that ... It'll be even more fun!

'' What the hell are you? you hit us undeterred to leave us visible wounds '' it seems that if there is one of those idiots who thinks

They gave me their points and now I have 562,000 private points.

'' If they report this to the school they will regret it '' I added before leaving.

I knew they weren't going to say anything, it would be better to have it in doubt and prepare for something.


Now I'm in my room playing around with my cell phone.

Many of the classes are really idiots just to see the way they act during Chabashira's explanation. Maybe one or the other will be useful to me ... It will be better to get rid of the dead weight as soon as possible.

Those three mentioned one Nagumo, apparently a second year. I do not know how good a rival he can be, but calm down then he will play me.

I threw myself on my bed not caring if I was wearing the uniform and relaxed

Maybe if I have fun.

1049 Words

I made it very, very short because just yesterday I had already published the first chapter, and later today I may publish chapter 2, although it may not be that long.

Tomorrow I may not publish because I have to finish reading a literature book by Friday and I may not have time to write, but by Friday I will start to publish daily and chapters that last at least 10-20 minutes since I will have a holiday week: D

Bye Bye! 

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