Vol 1. Chapter 4.1- The truth behind the assignment

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After Chabashira called me, I tried to think about the possibilities for which she had called me, unfortunately I could not think of absolutely anything.

Maybe it is due to those strange looks he gave me in the classroom, will you want to ask me about the scores I get? No, it is impossible for she to know that it was intentional.

No need to think. Soon I will find out.

Entering the staff room, I was met by a young adult woman of medium height with a slim but well endowed body and long light brown hair with purple eyes. It must be a teacher from another class.

Making my presence known, I spoke to him:

'' Is Chabashira here? '' I asked directly.

'' Sae-chan? No, she left a while ago, do you want to wait here?

'' No thanks, I'll wait in the hall ''

Why does that woman call me if she is n't going to be in the room?

'' I am Hoshinomiya Chie. Class B classroom teacher. I'm Sae's best friend since high school, we're close enough to call each other by our first names. ''

I've been here for a month and never heard of her.

'' Thank you, but I don't remember asking you ''

'' U-huh. Don't be mean ~ ''

''What's your name? Why am I calling you Sae-chan? Why, why?'' This woman bombarded me with questions.

''Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I don't know why my name is'' I said apathetically.

A / N: Kiyo is going to call her Chie, because I am lazy to write so much.

Chie-Sensei approached me, touched me by the shoulders and began to speak.

"You are very handsome ~ Are you popular Ayanokouji-kun?"

What about this teacher, she is very close to someone she just met, not to mention that I am a student.

''Who knows''

To tell the truth, several girls consider me 'attractive', I know that myself. I was blessed with a beautiful face, but it goes without saying that I am popular, I don't know. I've interacted with some of my peers, we've been to the mall and that's it, do you consider that to be popular?

'' Hey, hey, do you already have a girlfriend? ''

'' Because you ask, won't you say you want to date a student? '' I felt like he was teasing me so I decided to prank him back.

Chie-Sensei approached one more and, putting his face next to my hatred, began to whisper something:

" If it were with -" Before she could finish the sentence, she was surprised by Chabashira's thud.

I love you Sensei. Thanks for the ransom <3.

'' Oww, why did you do that ?! '' Chie-Sensei yelled.

'' You were trying to do something weird with my student, '' She said.

'' I was talking to him while you were arriving! ''

'' That is considered abuse, Chie-Sensei '' I joked.

'' How cruel, Ayanokouji-kun ~ ''

''Enough. Sorry for the wait, Ayanokouji-kun. Let's go to the address ''

Wait, direction? No no no.

''What is this about? I don't remember doing anything wrong '' I said trying to resist.

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