Vol 1. Chapter 4- 1 May

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In the classroom, everyone behaved as usual. Some talked to each other, others read manga or played video games. I must be grateful that they do not have this behavior at the time of the classes, although several still do not pay attention, in particular Sudo that seems to make the classes sleepy, but it can be solved.

Chabashira walked into the room looking a little more tense than usual, if it weren't for my attitude, she could joke with that.

''Good morning students. Today we will have a pop quiz '' before I could continue. Ike bombarded her with questions.

''That? that's not fair''

'' Right '' supported by his friend Yamauchi.

'' Both of you be silent'' Chabashira refuted.

'' The pop quiz will have 20 questions. 5 for each topic which are also worth 5 points. The test results will not be reflected on your report card, it will only be used for future reference, '' he explained.

The students who were tense, now has a relieved face. However, what is that for future references? It should be too difficult a test so that the score is not reflected in our scores.

I looked at Hirata about to ask a question, but was trampled on by Chabashira.

'' No more questions '' I take the 'exams' as usual she used to hand them to the first in line to water them backwards. However today, she handed out the exams herself.

Chabashira finished handing out the exams and gave the indication to start with them.

I turned the exam over and started looking at the questions.

'This is too easy. They are not even at the level of third of middle school '

Looking lightly at the other questions, I saw 3 of them that were not kiddingly for a high school student. I don't understand how this will help for future reference, if the first 17 questions until Sudo could answer them, as for the other three, I think only a handful of people in our entire year could even answer them.


Putting aside my speculations that at the moment they are useless, I concentrated on the exam. I say concentrate but I was just thinking about what formula I should use to answer those 3 questions.

15 minutes passed since the test was given and I had already finished. I thought about going to bed for a while, because last night I got up reading about some things.

I got up from my seat and handed the exam to Chabashira.

''What the hell? If until a moment ago he was just looking at the window '' said Yamauchi.

'' I'm done, that's why I delivered ''

Several of my colleagues did not believe in my words, because the test although it was not difficult, if you did not remember even superficially the issues you have seen in recent years, it will be something difficult to solve. However, for me those themes were nothing more than a game, why? Simple, I studied them when I was just seven years old.

'' I hope and if you have solved the test '' was the first thing that woman said.

Did not pay attention. I crossed my arms on the table, placed my head on them, and settled down to sleep for a while.

As my consciousness fell asleep, my neighbor Horikita kept glancing at me from time to time.

What a bummer.


I woke up because I felt something pierce my hand.

I turned to see what it was.

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