Vol 1. Chapter 3- Coincidence?

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I was going into the classroom and I saw the duo of idiots, I tried to avoid them because I don't want to associate with them more than necessary.

Although I am surprised to see them arrive so early, their arrival is not so late as to generate penalties, but if you are usually 1 or 2 minutes before the bell rings, however, they arrived earlier than usual today.

'' Good morning Kanji ''

'' Good morning Haruki ''

"~ Oh today's classes are going to be so fun." Something's wrong, those two saying classes are fun?

'' Yep, this school is the best and the swimming lessons will start soon, I say swimming lessons, but the most important thing is the girls! and by girls I mean: Tits ''

God, I should have guessed, that pervert duo just have obscenities on their heads.

I approached them and took them by the neck with my arms.

"Guys I know you are at that age when you think with that other head, but is it necessary to shout your thoughts from the rooftops?"

''Hey? Who do you think you are? '' They said at the same time.

'' No one, just that I wouldn't mind getting rid of a couple of perverts who might not bring anything to the class '' I released my grip and walked away.

Several of the girls were walking away from those two. It's reasonable, no one wants to be around someone who doesn't stare at you anymore.


Chabashira entered the classroom and classes began.


Now we have swimming class, several of the girls were not happy to participate, however I managed to convince them to go, along with Hirata. However, Karuizawa for some reason seemed very reluctant to participate, but as the 'leading' figure of the girls she decided to go as well.

'' Haruki, see Sticking up for whoever has bigger '' I guess it means that

''Yes. Professor, bring the table ''

Those two are not giving up. As for the Professor, it was the first time he had heard that nickname, but it seems that they refer to Sotomura. What a bummer, I will have to intervene, otherwise it is possible that the girls who decided to participate will retract.


'' Man, you again, don't fuck around ''

'' Don't worry, Yamauchi. Soon you will stop seeing me, however, I do not guarantee that you will forget me '' those three were confused with what I said, but they have so little brain as to deduce where I am going.

'' I don't know what you mean, just don't tell me that you also want to participate in the betting ''

'' Not even paying me would I participate in that shit. I want you to leave the girls alone today. '' '' I don't know if they already noticed, but their reputation with them is on the ground. '' Yamauchi and Ike just bowed their heads.

'' You say it that you are always surrounded by those beauties ''

'' Tell me, what benefit does that bring me? '' Seriously, I wish they would leave me alone from time to time.

Before they spoke I continued.

'' Just don't ogle the girls, that's all '' I said that as I left the room.


In the locker room I changed quickly and, I could see Sudo do the same.

'' You two are not ashamed to be like this '' Said one of the idiots.

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