Vol 1. Chapter 2- Espionage

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It is the second day of classes, well theoretically it is the first. Yesterday they only gave us directions and how this school works.

I was going to school and I saw several of the 1D class going early, I was a bit surprised that they followed my recommendation.

Now, I will have to try not to like the rest of the class so badly, my reputation is at stake.

Fuck who cares about a reputation when you have power, fuck it!

While in the classroom, several of the boys still held a grudge against me for yesterday. It's not like I care to be liked by that bunch of simps ... The girls on the other hand were talking to hero-kun. 

"Good morning Ayanokouji-kun" said several of my classmates as I headed to my post.

'' Good morning '' I replied.

I saw lonely-chan reading a book on serial murder.

Studies say that depending on your tastes these can reveal something of your personality ... I should stay away from it.

I sat down and tried to enjoy the view out the window while my classmates talked shit to each other.

Chabashira entered the classroom ... Everyone immediately went to their posts and paid attention to the class that was going to start.

How strange, they seem to behave appropriately that means that they obeyed me and try not to lose class points. You may well have noticed the cameras in the classroom ... No, impossible. These fools would not be able to find out for themselves and I doubt that additional information was given when I left the classroom.

Well if we don't lose points I can save and buy from Chabashira, after all in this school you can buy everything with private points, right?

The first period ended up being lunchtime. I decided to go to the cafeteria.

'' Ayanokouji ~ '' My name is bitch-san

Now that bitch-san wants. I honestly thought that he wasn't going to speak to me so naturally after yesterday's incident.

What a strange girl.

'' What? '' I replied.

I just hope she doesn't ask me to have lunch with her.

'' Ayanokouji seems very close to Horikita-san''

''Hey? Horikita. Who the fuck is she ''

I was confused I didn't know anyone with that name. I just remembered the names of those who I saw their performances before I left.

Even for me it is impossible to remember the name of someone who has not shown up.

But what confuses me the most is that he tells me that I am close to someone today being the first official day of school ... Not that I am proud of this, but it is not like I need to have friends either.

Having pawns that act like my arms and legs is more than enough.

"Eto ... I saw them talking yesterday before entering the school and they seemed somewhat close before Sensei entered yesterday ..."

So it is.

'' It's a misunderstanding Kushida. I spoke to her yesterday but it was nothing more than a hostile encounter '' I paused before finishing '' not to mention that she never told me her name ''

Do we really perish close?

"Oh ... I'm sorry." She brought her palms up to her chest and smiled.

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