Vol 1. Chap 5- Study groups

490 21 4

May 2nd.

While in the classroom right now, he began to go over the plan for the study groups.

Today in the morning I received a message from Hirata communicating that the tutors have already been appointed, it seems that he took my words very seriously and also made me a tutor. Well that helps a bit in what I want to do. The other tutors are:






Horikita agreed to tutor after our conversation yesterday. She was reluctant to want to accept, however, she knew that if she did not collaborate, it would be difficult for me to consider her an asset of the class.

As for who we are going to teach, it will be decided today after school.

Returning to pay attention to me around, most are still fiddling on their cell phones waiting for Chabashira to arrive.

After yesterday's incident, I think I have a second valuable asset, all thanks to Chabashira.

Chabashira arrived at 7:00 sharp, as usual. The class started.

Now I wonder what I do here, many of them are trying to understand the issue. As for me, that's something I saw a long time ago. As an academic, I doubt this school will teach me anything, well that's not the reason for my enrollment.

Mainly this is a time of trial, in which that man has sent me to this place. That will clearly change when the WR opens again, when that moment comes, my momentary freedom is over. Therefore, I will enjoy this time as much as possible and, at the same time, I will be testing my leadership skills, in this silly class.

Only time can tell if this school served me or not.


Lunch time came quickly. It's time to start the execution.

'' Horikita '' Call my neighbor.

"What's wrong?"

'' Will you accompany me to the cafeteria? ''

'' I brought my own lunch '' She answered me taking out a bento.

Being coldly rejected, I left the classroom.

I went to the store to buy a sandwich and some milk.

Leaving the store after having paid for what I was going to eat, I ran into the 2 year olds I had hit earlier.

'' Hello Senpai '' I greeted them while smiling a little, not to be friendly, but rather what happened that day, came  my mind.

'' Y-yes '' they replied as they turned around.

Did I really hurt them that much? I do not believe it.

Well they are perfect for what I need.

'' Senpai '' I spoke to them, preventing them from leaving.

''That? You're not going to hit us again, are you? '' The leader said, while the other two just deigned to watch.

'' Senpai offends me. I'm not a gorilla who gets beaten up in everything that moves.

''I see. So what is it? '' They are still wary of my intentions.

'' Can you give me the exams you took in your first year? They must still have them, right? ''

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