And Thus We Have Made a Contract

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Hi! Don't mind me, I've just kind of been dead for the past year. I've been trying to come up with a solid outline for myself (and trying to get to a point where I enjoy writing this fic again but we won't talk about that). I also have a few chapters written ahead of time just in case another thing of writer's block comes up, but it's okay. I hope you guys are still willing to come on this journey with me, so let's get started!


Jordan slowly stretched. her body felt bruised, and it was all thanks to that damn tyranitar. She bent down to look through her things. Everything was in place but she couldn't find her bow. She looked around, and her jaw dropped once she saw where it was.

Jordan's bow was on the ground smashed into two pieces. She must have dropped it when she jumped on top of that stupid pokémon. Had the big oaf stepped on it? she still had her dagger, but what was she going to do without her trusty bow? She liked attacking pokémon from far away, not up close. Attacking from a far ensured your safety, and it let you get the jump on your enemies.

She slowly walked up to her broken bow. All of her arrows were intact, so she could just get another one, but this one had gotten her through so much. She had relied on it since the beginning; using a different one would just feel off. But it didn't matter if Jordan liked using a different one or not. She would have to get used to a new bow once she found someone that would make it for her. Once her business in Eterna was finished, that would be her top priority.

Jordan bend down to pick up her broken bow. It was snapped in two with small pieces scattered around it. There was no fixing it; its alignment was off, and it wouldn't shoot the same with all the cracks in it. Hell, it would probably even break the second she tried to shoot an arrow. Once it was in her hands and off the ground, another piece of it fell off. Jordan winced then sighed. There was really no saving it. And it would be useless to keep it around just for sentimental value—that would just slow her down. Jordan sighed and left the bow on the ground.

Jordan felt a hand on her shoulder. "You've kinda been standing here for a while," said Axel. "You good?"

Jordan nodded, and Kane peered around them to look at the demolished bow. "Ouch. That sucks."

"There's definitely no repairing that one," said Sasha. Jordan sighed and turned around.

"It's fine. Let's just do whatever we came here for."

Kane crossed his arms. "Just follow my lead and let me do the talking until we get in. These people have been on edge ver since the fighting started, so forgive them if they aren't very hospitable."

Jordan shrugged, and Axel chuckled nervously. "At least why won't kill us on sight, right?"

"Of course not," Kane smirked and pointed to himself, "you've got me here!"

"Let's hope that's enough," mumbled Jordan. Sasha smiled and pat Jordan's shoulder.

"It's going to be enough. Don't be such a worrywart!"

Jordan looked up and glared at Sasha. "I have every right to think that. Have you forgotten that we injured two of their people?"

The group became quiet. "We'll just have to hope that they're not the type to hold a grudge," said Kane. "Besides, you guys were just trying to make it out with your lives. We can't really fault people for that here. We all have to help each other if we want to survive in this world. Is everyone ready?"

Jordan was absentmindedly fiddling with one of her arrows, Axel was checking his bag and making sure his supplies were in check, and Sasha was looking around to make sure that no pokémon were sneaking up on them. Kane nodded. "Let's get going. Today's the day we arrive in Eterna!"

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