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A week had passed, and Jordan was still not used to lounging around and not doing anything. Candice had come by a few times to check up on the two ex-trainers, always scolding Jordan on asking too many questions. Jordan kept asking about the hunting group, and if Candice had gotten any closer to figuring out how to tell the rest of the town about their food solution.

"I swear, Jordan, if you ask me one more time, I won't tell you any new information."

Jordan scowled and looked away. "This is what you get for making me stay here."

"I'm not the one making you stay here, Nurse Joy is."

"You made me come back here."

"That's beside the point," sighed Candice. "You can get back out there in around... three weeks? Is that right, Nurse Joy?"

The pink haired nurse turned around. "I would say a little longer than that since it was bad, but yes, around three weeks."

Jordan groaned and hung her head. She couldn't keep doing this. This past week had felt like torture! There was no way she was going to do this for another three. Axel said there were plenty of things to do, but what in the world could he be talking about? He loved playing with the little kids, but Jordan had no idea how to act around them!

Candice handed her a blanket. "Clam down. They're not that bad." Jordan raised an eyebrow and took the blanket. "Stay warm. I'll stop by again tomorrow."

The former gym leader left the Pokémon Center, leaving Jordan to figure out what to do with her time. She wrapped the blanket around her, wearing it like a cape, and got up. She walked over to Axel. He was sitting away from the kids, taking a break from playing with them.

"I don't know how they have so much energy."

Jordan raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I can't believe you're tired. By the way you act, I though you were an oversized toddler."


Jordan replaced her smirk with a bored expression, and sat down next to Axel. "Do you really think we have to stay here for a another three weeks?"

"Jordan Rhodes!" Jordan flinched and looked at Nurse Joy. "You'd better not be thinking of leaving here!"

Jordan groaned. "How can she tell?"

"She has good ears." Axel laughed. "And recently, you've been known for trying to leave."

Jordan rolled her eyes. "What do you suggest I do, genius? Play with kids? Not gonna happen."

"Just try it. They've been waiting to try and play with you. You just scare them away with that face of yours."

"My face?"

"Yeah. That scowl thing you always have going on."

"I'm not scowling."

"Ah," Axel crossed his arms and nodded, "Then it's a 'resting bitch face.'"

Jordan sighed and looked away. "Jake seems okay with it."

"But you can't take a compliment form him without getting all red in the face."

"Shut up, yes I can."

Axel raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Before last week, when was the last time someone showed their thanks to you like Jake?"


"Go on."

Jordan's eyebrows knit together while she tried to think of an example. "Okay! Fine. I know shit about kids. They're strange little creatures that have way too much energy!"

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