Smooth Sailing

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Jordan had her goal in sight. Getting a new bow was her top priority. The air was nice as she strolled through the camp.It actually seemed like a nice place to live—if you ignored all of the fighting that was going on of course. Jordan didn't want to admit it, but its as actually nice to have break from the freezing cold. Not that she didn't like the cold, but a break was always nice.

It was late afternoon, so there was no way that any secret deals would be going on. Jordan wouldn't find her bow-smith anytime soon. These things only happen when it's dark out, under the guise of shadows. Jordan sighed.

"Might as well explore while I wait."

The first thing to do would be to explore the neutral area. She could explore the other areas the next day with Axel. The tents in the area were very simple ones. They were the sort someone would use for a week long camping trip, but they didn't look very comfortable to live in for an extended period of time.

Jordan chuckled. She had been in worse situations before Candace took her in; she was getting a little too spoiled in this world. Sleeping in a tent for a while would do her some good. She didn't want to let herself get too comfortable, or else she would be useless when it counted.

Jordan looked around the simple tents. Some were bigger than others, but there were only ten total, all spread around Gardenia's area. Each one only held about four people, but only two could fit comfortably in them. It looked like people who came to Eterna on their own were grouped with whoever had an open space. Would someone end up living in their tent too? And what would happen to the people that came from Snowpoint if all of the tents were full? How would Gardenia manage her probationary system then? Exactly how many people would make the trip and then get turned away?

Some people walked around the residential area, but most of them kept to themselves in either their houses or tents. This so called safe havenlooked more like a ghost town. People were too scared to do anything here.

Jordan crossed her arms. Sure, Candice and Gardenia were friends, but what was the point in all of this? Yes, Snowpoint needed food, but did Candice really know how bad it was in Eterna? She knew about the fighting, that much was true, but there wasn't much hope for housing. Jordan pouted. Candice should have just accepted her solution for their food shortage and called off the deal with Gardenia.

"What does Gardenia get out of all this? Just a stop to the fighting? It would be easier to manage a smaller camp," grumbled Jordan. She was already done with their little mission. She didn't want to put effort into it anymore. It hadn't been that long, but it still it felt like way too much things to do. She didn't want to put that much effort into it anymore.

When the sun disappeared behind the horizon, the darkness quickly followed. It was almost time to search for a new weapon. The deal wouldn't be out in the open, but it wouldn't be too hard to find it. There were enough shady locations in town; Jordan just had to find the right one. Jordan looked around. The first place she would look was one of the broken down buildings.

The one that they had their talk in earlier wouldn't do—Gardenia had been in that one, so there was no way that some sort of deal would go on in there. No one knew if or when Gardenia would be back, therefore it was too risky. However, the one across the street was fair game.

After making sure that no one was following her, Jordan approached the building. The top half of it was nothing but rubble, and it looked like it was probably some sort of small business in a previous life. It made sense that it would be home to a different sort of business now. Well, you could say that it was irony at work.

Jordan froze at the sound of footsteps behind her.

"Well, well," said the newcomer, "what do we have here?"

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