Risking their Lives for a Stupid Thingamabober

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Swimming farther away from the castle and to shark infested waters, 2 sea creatures were on a quest for ancient artifacts.

"Are you sure we'll find human treasures in this area? It seems to be baron." The blue skinned one asked as he looked around the baron sea floor.

"You're the one who wanted to find some. I'm just guiding you and I'm telling you that there's a fucked up sunken ship that's probably full of human stuff." The orange merman replied.

Soon enough, they came into view of a demolished ship that had sunk half its way into the sea floor. Giyuu swam ahead in sudden excitement but stopped at an opening of the ship and looked over to Sabito.

"What if there are sharks?"

"Don't wuss out at the last minute. We're here because of you. Now grow up and be a man!"

"I am a man." Giyuu retorted back while swimming inside. Sabito followed behind him. They nearly avoid the luminous shadow swimming above them.

"I don't understand your 'fascination' in human stuff. I mean, what's so great about them." Sabito states as they swim along the levels of the ship, Giyuu clearly more observant scavenging for anything he can find.

"I don't really know. It's just... so interesting knowing that there's a whole other world how live completely differently," Giyuu was sticking his head in barrels to find a rusty tube, "Did you know that in the human world, they have this thing called 'fire' and it 'burns stuff'?"

"What does that even mean? 'Burning'? That sounds stupid." Sabito made air-quotes.

"I'm not sure... but I want to see it all one day!"

"Good luck with—" Sabito didn't get to finish his sentence as he felt a presence nearby. He reached for his sword placed on his waist and listened.

Being one of the best palace guards in Atlanta means he's gotten him and Giyuu out of countless stupid situations over the years.

Right now he was on duty, 'Protect the prince'.

A huge slicked seemed to cut the boat in half in the shape of claw marks, separating Giyuu and Sabito. They nearly avoided the attack by swimming backwards.

The creature lunged at them again and now they could clearly see and horrifying mershark lunging at them at murderous speed.

The two merfolk bolted in the same direction, down the hallway of the ship.

More claw swipes followed them as they swam for their lives. They were almost away from this haunted ship of nightmare when Giyuu's bag got caught on a loose floor board, which carried all of the human treasures he had gathered on this ship.

Giyuu quickly swam back to get it but as soon as he did, a razor sharp water motion was hailing towards him, ready to cut him into pieces.

Giyuu braced himself for impact... but nothing ever came as Sabito had deflected it, breaking his sword in the process and throwing Giyuu out the door.

Thankfully the beast didn't chase them once the left the ship.

"Haganezuka is gonna kill me when I show up with this bursted up sword." Sabito whined as they were swimming to another location, already getting flashback to how 'passionate' his sword maker was about his work.

"I can't help you there." Giyuu simply responded, seemingly more focused on the destination they were swimming to."

"I just saved you life and cost my own in the process and that's all you have to say? I hope those pieces of junk were worth it." Sabito only half meant that. He knew how much Giyuu cared for his human treasures.

"They were." Giyuu still wasn't making eye contact.

"Wow. Thanks." He said sarcastically, "Where are we going anyways?"

"Kanzaburo. To tell us about the stuff I got. He is so wise." Little sparkles were around Giyuu's face.

"He's super old. I'm pretty sure half the things that crow says is nonsense." Sabito said as they started nearing the surface of the water.


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