Catching Butterfies on A Ship

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Pushing away a boulder revels a hidden cave that has been overrun by human things.

Tomioka seemed to be organizing his shelves of glass bottles when Sabito came in.

Giyuu quickly hid out of habit, hiding behind a big chest.

"Relax, it's only me. Are you happy you got to save all your stuff?" Sabito said.

"Yes. I couldn't afford to loose these items." Tomioka replied going back to what he was doing previously, "Oh, and I'll get you a new sword."

"Thank you! That's all I cared about you saying. Keep the rest of that sappy garage." Sabito rested in a corner of the room. This was the normal banter they had. They acted almost like siblings.

"I wanna see the world the way humans do." Giyuu said to himself, out loud.

"If you start singing, I'm gonna throw up."

Giyuu shot him a glare before turning away to examine a new shelf. He looked at a slightly broken music box and poked at it.

He delicately took it off of the shelf to hold it.

"Human legs are so... weird. Like, why would you need more than one tail. And I heard it doesn't even make you swim better." Sabito said noticing the music box.

"You can dance. I wanna try human dancing one day." Giyuu said, poking the feet of the 2 humans on top of the music box.

"You say 'one day' you'll be able to do, insert something human world, but how exactly is that gonna happen?"

"Stop crushing my dreams. That's my father's job."

"Not the daddy issues." Sabito mocked. "We should probably get back to the kingdom this time before it wakes up at low tide."

"You're right." Tomioka was reluctant to leave his safe space, but he knew leaving now would be better in the long run.

Just as they were about the leave, a giant shadow blocked the light of the cave and the faintest sound of music can be heard. Curiosity overtook Giyuu as he swam upwards.

Now with his head above surface, he could see a HUGE ship, with exploding light in the sky.

"Woah. When's the last time you saw a working boat?" Sabito asked looking at the boat in awe too.

"Never." Giyuu responded by swimming towards the ship.

"Hey be careful!" Sabito swam after him to insure his safety.

Holding on the the edge of the ship, Giyuu could see humans dancing, up close. There was food out to where Giyuu could smell something he found particularly incredible.

It was the smell of salmon and other ingre. Maybe a vegetable.

"I thought you were supposed to be at the kingdom." A voice spoke from behind Giyuu, startling him. It was Kanzaburo.

"Shhh. I changed my mind." He whispered, "why go home right now when there's this?" Giyuu rested his head the his hands are he continues to watch.

Suddenly, a caw can be heard from the sky. Tomioka quickly turned to Kanzaburo, thinking they were being loud again, but it's wasn't them.

Instead, it is a different crow that flies over them and lands on someone's shoulder.

Giyuu takes a good look at the human the crow had landed on, only to be more in awe, if that was even possible.

It was an absolute gorgeous women with purple tips at the ends of her black hair, lavender colored eyes, and a butterfly pin holding in place her tied up hair. She also seemed to have butterflies fluttering around them, as strange as that was seeing as they were on a boat. She looked so elegant as she let one rest on her finger tip with a light smile on her face.

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