It needed to be said (final)

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The atmosphere was extremely thick. Stand before the two lovers in a spiral of water was the livid sea king.

"So this is the sea king..." thought Shinobu.

"Hello. My name is Shinobu Ko—"

"Move it human scum." He cut her off coldly.

"Oh. So that's how it's going to be." A tick mark formed on her face

The sea king held up his triton, pointing it straight at Shinobu face was golden energy flickered from the rod.

"Your race is a disease. I see my son covered in blood and I know it was your doing."

"Last time I checked, you disowned me." A new voice spoke.

The king was in shock as he took his eyes off the human for a second. His son would barely talk, much less show this level of attitude.

"She didn't do this to me. The first thing she did when I arrived on the surface was help me. I'm sorry I went to the surface and got myself hurt but that doesn't mean you can reflect your own trauma on other people to make them the same as you!" Tomioka stood his ground strong against his father. He even put a hand on Shinobu's shoulder to pull her out of danger if needed.

"You really are a disgrace to the family line."

Those words stung. It was as if a sharp pain had pierced through Tomioka's chest. He didn't think of his father in the brightest light... but he still wanted some form of acceptance from him. Just something...

"If you really feel that way, why are you bothering harming others for his sake?!"

Shinobu stepped in, gripping Tomioka's hand because she sensed his dejected aura.

"If you truly felt nothing, why are you still pointing that thing to my face?!"

The triton was still pointed to her head yet she was saying all these things. She didn't care for her life in that moment, these things need to be said.

The sea king didn't know what to say. He slowly lowered his weapon and stared at the two. They genuinely seemed to care for each other as soon after Shinobu was out of danger, they were asking if each other was alright. He took in a deep breath...

Before striking Giyuu with what looked like lightning, knocking him in the water.

Shinobu screamed in horror "OH MY GOD!!" Before seeing him rise from the water again, perfectly fine wearing... a white shirt. Well there was a bit of smoke from the strike.

The two looked at the sea king confused and he gestured to the shore. Shinobu helped Giyuu walk to the sand and as soon as his skin became dry, his fish like features turned human. (Think the transformation from Luca)

The two both had small tears forming in the corners of their eyes but looked back at the sea king for a final response.

"I still don't fully agree with your decision but... I'm sure you won't find someone like this bonded to the sea." He said before diving back into the water.

Giyuu took in a fresh breath of air before pulling Shinobu to the sand. He was hugging her out of relief and they were soon both laughing.

"With how many times I've almost drowned, you'd think I'd be sick of the taste of sea water."

There on the shore line, where land and sea meet, the human and sea creature share a kiss as the sun hits the water.

The End


*There might be room for improvement but you know I was writing on the spot for the majority of this story

Thank you so much for all the comments, they were honestly for life fuel to keep going with this story (I dislike discontinues and Giyushino has a lot)

I might write another story but don't expect that for a long time. I'm probably going to write all of the story before I start posting it so I don't have the deal with the stress of coming up with things on the spot.

I'm going to make a drawing of the final scene and might even do an extra if you guys will give me a suggestion in the comment below. I'll only do one tho cause I got other work to do.

Thank you so much for your support.

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