Trying to write a musical scene without adding music lyric

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The scenery they were in was truly a breathtaking one. The moonlight laminated the blue waters and the vines, plants and flowers seemed to be growing in perfect harmony. Additionally, small sea creatures were swimming in the water and Tomioka noticed his two friends stealthily watching while ducking their heads to match the high of the tall grass. They seemed intrigued by how close he and the princess were now. Shinobu helped Giyuu get in the boat without tipping the boat over and directed the boat further to the water.     

"It's funny we've grown so close and I still don't know your name." Shinobu started a conversation, "Maybe I can guess. Or have you gotten better at writing?"

Giyuu pulled out a piece of paper and did the best he could to write in the dark. Shinobu smiled seeing as he seemed to have worked hard to improve his language skills. He handed her the sheet of paper and she read it out loud.

"Ge... oi? Gyuo... Tamio...? Gi... you."

"Giyuu Tomioka." Shinazugawa whispered near Shinobu, immediately hiding again.

"Giyuu... Tomioka?" Shinobu repeat. Giyuu nodded happily and Shinobu smiled.

"What a lovely name Tomioka." She smiles and playful pokes him.

Off to the side of the lake, "Ah the pieces are all there but nothing is happening!" Shinazugawa whisper yells in frustration.

"Maybe some magical backgrounds will make it more romantic." Sabito replied, "What do you think Kanzaburo?" The crow was resting on Sabito's arm. They had gotten pretty close since Sabito spent more time on the shores.

"I know how to do that. Just follow my lead and head west... no south east!" Kanzaburo flew up to the trees. The 2 merman waited to see what the old crow could conduire up to help. The crow took one deep breath, only to shatter everyone's ear drums. If it weren't for Shinazugawa knocking him out of the trees with wind, everyone would've gone deaf.

"Okay I'm taking the lead. Sabito, adjust the lighting. And also proving the crow from doing anything." Shinazugawa instructed before swimming in the opposite direction.

"This place is calming with all the fish don't you think?" Giyuu nodded.

"I actually have 3 pet fish in my room. Though sometimes I bring them here to swim." A sudden soft breeze seemed to make the plants sing. The sounds were lovely and gentle.

"What a lovely melody. It reminds me of a certain tune that's been in my head." Shinobu claimed, seemingly getting lost in the tune. Giyuu had a hunch of what she was referring to. He started to tap his finger against the boat's edge to the rhythm.

The boat seemed to be magically drifting safely by itself with gently light hitting both of them. Giyuu and Shinobu locked eyes as the light seem to highlight their best features. There was a moment of calm.

Shinobu noticed Giyuu's rhythmic tapping after breaking away, thoughts flooding her brain. She subconsciously grabbed Giyuu hand, placing a kiss on his fingers.

Slightly embarrassed by her action, Shinobu reverted her eyes, "That was the exact rhythm I was thinking of." She made eye contact again, "I truly do appreciate you. Even if you can't speech, you bring me comfort and listen to my thoughts. I would spend my life with you. I love those eyes of yours. They are a kind color Tomioka."

As soon as she finishes her heart felt statement, Giyuu crases her face gentle, holding onto her other hand with his other. Shinobu lends into his touch and smile, also letting out a long sigh.

As she opens her eyes to met him, they both lean forward. The organic wind chimes were singing in perfect harmony as the light laminated this beautiful moment.

Tomioka could feel the princess' breath close to his. He was nervous but also excited, though he doesn't want it to show too much in fear of scaring her. If she kisses him, that means she loves him back!

A disturbance was felt and suddenly Tomioka was engulfed in water. With his human lungs, he rose from the water fir air. The boat had tipped completely and now both its passengers were socking wet. Shinobu seemed to have risen from the water first as she offers Giyuu a helping hand and guides him to shore.

Once out of view, 2 sirens rise from the water and laugh, proud by their intervention. Their master had also seen the scene unfold from their eyes.

"That smooth bastard. At his rate, he'll have her kissing him by the third day. Damn that stoic behavior that make girls swoon." The underwater sorcerer monologued to himself, rubbishing through his cabinets.

"Well then I guess I've have to add some competition to our dear prince's affair." He laughed diabolically, throwing substances into his cauldron. The yellow smoke emerged and circled around Douma's body. He began loosing scales as he swam to the surface.

Back at the castle, Shinobu was drying Giyuu's hair on a large balcony they was like a mini elevated courtyard.

"I'm sorry for getting you wet." Shinobu apologized while tying his hair back into a ponytail. "You have very soft hair." She ran her fingers through his hair one final time. Giyuu crases his hand against one of hers before softly touching a tuff of her violet hair. The only noises heard were the crashing waves it seems like.

Giyuu rose from his chair and Shinobu understand the message. He must be tired. He bowed and elevated his hand. Shinobu placed her hand into his palm for him to kiss goodbye. Then he left with Shinobu face red.

She looked over at the sea, suddenly thinking about her mysterious savior. To be honest, she hadn't given him much thought since the second she spent with Giyuu. She was still intrigued by the mysterious male but Giyuu... was real. He was there and kind and gentle. His actions made her heart flutter and she wouldn't mind being with him forever. She actually had her suspicion that Tomioka might be—

Shinobu's train of thought was interrupted by a humming tune along the beach side. Their silhouette was hard to see but there was a yellow light laminating its upper body. They seem to be walking along the shores.

The hum and voice of this figure sounded familiar as Shinobu's head started to feel lighter and lighter.


*I really love the background

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*I really love the background

I'm going to be throwing up a lot writing the next chapter. That's my excuse if the next chapter comes out in like 2 weeks. It's cause by me mentally throwing up.

It has to be done... FOR THE PLOT (gag in thought of what I'm going to have to write)

I'm honestly surprised I was able to make them connect so much in 2 days

Personal headcanon I need to get out:

I feel as though Tomioka is touch starved and he and Shinobu just hug sometimes to relieve stress or to comfort each other

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