Politics and impulse writing

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Through the eyes of the fish observing the merfolk on shore, a demonic creature took note of the situation.

"It can't be. No this is too perfect! The prince of the Atlantic Ocean in love with a human. I wonder how much it will take for me to mold this into my favor? I have been in need of adding to my collection." The sea witch held the skull of a once merfolk in his hand.

"Daki. Gyutaro. Keep a close eye on him."

As Giyuu and Sabito were about to dive back into the ocean to return home, they were intercepted by a livid merman with his arms crossed. He grabbed both of their arm and dragged them underwater to avoid being overheard by humans.

"I know what you 2 did last night." Shinazugawa said with a low tone and letting go of their arms.

"You were the one making the wind go berserk, weren't you? You should be more careful, you had almost killed those humans." Tomioka attempted to draw the conversation away from him. Sabito was surprised Giyuu talked first between the 2 of them.

"You shouldn't be talking your highness! You were right in the vicinity where they could've shot you at any moment." He began to swim them back to Atlanta and directed Tomioka to the throne room (Sabito had to stay behind).

Entering, he saw the King of the Atlantic oceans, Akiyo Tomioka.

*(He isn't canon. I can write him how I please *air high 5)

Shinazugawa swam up towards the King and handed him what appeared to be a case file. The king flipped through it, thanking his head guard, and waited a few seconds before acknowledge Giyuu.

He slammed the case file closed with an unreadable expression, made direct eye contact with his son. Giyuu felt a lump in his throat because of the tension.

He asked him basically the same questions Shinazugawa had asked him previously. It wasn't until Giyuu commented that Shinazugawa shouldn't have used his power of wind manipulation because it had potential hurt lots of humans.

The king said, "I don't see a problem with that. The more humans dead, the better." Not hiding his subtleness at all.

"That is unfair father. We had to save a human from Shinazugawa actions." Giyuu hadn't registered what he had just revealed.

"You attempted to save a human?! You were close enough to 'save their life'?!!" Water currents made things fall out of place in the room.

The sea king and his son had always had a bit of a rocky relationship to say the least. Being the eldest son (yet the youngest child), high expectations were brought upon him and instead of being the imagine is father wanted, his son turned out to be socially awkward, tends to wonder away from the castle and worst of all, fascinated by the surface.

"If you come in contact with a human, your first instinct is to kill it. Dispose of it like it's a filthy insect. They would not hesitate if the roles were reversed." His father spoke in a strict and demanding tone.

It took Giyuu a moment to muster up a sentence. It was difficult as his father was staring down a him with a murderous gaze.

"What if humans are... have changed since you've been to the surface?"

"Impossible. Humans don't change Giyuu. They are selfish beings."

'I don't think they're selfish. At least she wasn't.' Giyuu remembered how Shinobu ran back on a large burning ship to retrieve a small crow and valued its own safety when getting it on a life boat. That wasn't selfish at all. And the fact that he overheard her saying she would heal the injured from the ship wreck too.

"The human we- I saved," he couldn't rope Sabito into this, "wasn't selfish, as you might claim. She ran back on a boat to save a crow. She could've died and was... unconscious. She even had water in her lungs." Giyuu face slightly redden at the flashback to how those events escalated. The king had observant eyes.

He grabbed Giyuu face for a closer examination at lightning speeds. His eyes widened. Giyuu was trying to get his father's hand off of his face but his grip was too strong and he reminded suspended in the air. A shadow covered his father's eyes.

"I set rules. I tried keeping you bound to the castle at an early age to not risk you being killed. But it seems all my efforts have been in vain. You went to the surface and had an affair with a human!!" His voice roared and it felt like the pillars holding up the room were shaking.

Giyuu didn't have chance to talk as his father said his final statement, "Leave. You are not not welcome back here until you show your loyalty to your kind. Kill the human for example. Until then, you are no son of mine."

The palace doors slams in front of him. Giyuu's face was in shock. His father just... disowned him. Tears started to fall down his face, still keeping that shocked expression. He touched his lip and whipped off some red to examine on his fingertips. His chest ached as he clenched his fist and brought it to his heart.

He didn't blame Shinobu for anything of this as it wasn't her fault some of her makeup got onto him. She wasn't even aware he existed. He'd like to thought. He was still fond of her.

Sabito and Shinazugawa swam up to him. They had slightly heard the conversation from the outside but because of the thick walls, they wanted to be for sure.

"Your highness, is it true?" Shinazugawa tried to remain formal. He felt bad for the prince.

'Which part?' Giyuu thought. He couldn't muster up the energy to speak and his eyes looked like dim lights. He began to swim away while saying in a quiet voice, "I need to be alone."

Giyuu pushed away the rock blocking the entrance to his secret cave. Guess this could be his home now. Coming into view of the main room, Giyuu's chest got even tighter.

The rampage of the winds must've disrupted the cave being right under the ship. Many artifacts had fallen from their shelves and shattered onto the cave walls. There was now a huge cluster of broken pieces on the sea floor.

Tomioka picked up the music box he played with last time he was here. The top cover had fallen off and the 2 humans dancing looked like they were ready to fall off. Tomioka snapped off the woman counterpart and laid on the ground. He spun it around with his fingers. He was all by himself, both alone and hurt.

"Poor sweet child."

*Yeah I kinda wrote out of impulse cause I didn't know how to develop this chapter and I ended up... banishing the lead while also breaking all his stuff


Lol he's prince zuko now

I'm not that sorry, it develops the story.

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