Of who you are

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Shinobu woke up with sand covering her face. As she got up, she felt sharp pains against her back, reminiscing about the cuts she had. Her blood has seem to have dried up so she doesn't have to worry about more blood lose.

She immediately shot her head back and forth in search of the merman, only to find him in mere seconds as he was laying right next to her with his hand moving away from her head. She assumed he was brushing her hair.

Shinobu immediately launched forward, hugging him, knocking them both into the brushing along the shore.

He seemed to be awestruck as he didn't say anything as they stared into each other's eyes. They stayed in comfortable silence, Shinobu cupping his cheeks in the meantime.

Shinobu couldn't be more relieved that he was safe and... with her. However...

"Let me see your injures. Turn around." She said sternly. There was no hesitation in her voice.

Tomioka didn't say a word, seemingly not wanting to as he continued to awkwardly staring at her beautiful purple eyes. This seems to irritate Shinobu as this was serious. She smiled passive aggressively and stabbed a finger into his cheek.

"My my, it's rude to stare. I know you can talk so say something."

"Do you hate me?"

"Excuse me?" Shinobu was extremely confused. Where did that come from?

"It's just... after you claimed that your sister was slain by a creature of the sea... I pondered if you felt that same rage towards all sea creatures." Tomioka was really nervous in what he was saying, reverting his eyes elsewhere.

It was silent for a moment before Shinobu directed Giyuu's face to look at her.

"Tomioka. I didn't hate him because of what species he was born as. I hated him for what he did. What he did was horrid and fueled my hatred for him only. Had he been a human, I would've felt the same."

"I—I'm glad... you're safe." Tomioka managed to say. This seems to have eased Shinobu's irritation as she let out a breath of air and replied, "Me too" softly.

They had moved to where the water reached to Shinobu's waist for her to examine Tomioka. The cut on his back had left a huge scar, almost covering his entire back. Shinobu felt immense guilt for him now having this scar even if it wasn't her fault.

She lightly brushed her finger against his back, sending Giyuu shivers down his spine. She rested her head against his back and Giyuu tilted his head to see her.

"You're such an airhead for doing this." She muttered.

Tomioka responded to this by liaising their fingers together in one hand and kissing the back of her hand.

"You are important to me."

Shinobu, still feeling a string of guilt, gently pushed the side of his face towards her, softly kissing his cheek.

"You've been through a lot."

"So have you."

Tomioka and Shinobu began exchanging kisses along each other's template, softly laughing a few times out of relief that the other was alive.

"Can I say something?" Shinobu said softly


"Your confession was kind of quick and bland." Shinobu said bluntly.

Tomioka was taken aback by this and turns his head away, crossing his arms too.

"I am straight to the point. Also I had a time limit. It would've been impossible for me to formulate the right words."

"Wow some attitude. I was beginning to worry that you had a bland form of speech." Shinobu had a hand over her mouth to mimic that she was in true shock.

"You have an attitude of yourself. You should show that more." He said his second sentence softly as he held her wrist.

Shinobu just simply smiled. Their faces seemed to be moving closer together until there was no gap between them.

They shared a loving kiss on both the surface and in the water.

Tomioka remembers the first time kissing Shinobu. This one was a lot better. There was less of a desperate to get her to breath properly and more of... domestic bliss. He slowly tangled his fingers into her black-turning-purple hair.

Afterwards they rest their foreheads against each other and smiled.

However this moment was ruining by a spiral water wave. As it vanishes it reveals...

The Sea King.

*This chapter took some editing but that means I'm improving

I kinda regret making the sea king cause now I to do angst

Although I'm kinda excited about the next chapter cause I want to write down some lines I had planned since I started writing

Tomioka's dad that I made up- This is why we can't have nice things

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