017. bad idea

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COLA NEVER KNEW what to expect of John B. One moment, you think you know the most about the him and then he suddenly does something extremely absurd that you couldn't wrap your head around it.

This was one of those moments. Cola thought that the boy was picking up some gas for the boat, maybe something else, but she would have never guessed that what he "picked up" would be Sarah Cameron.

Unsurprisingly, the moment Kiara spotted her sitting on the sofa perched beside John B, the brunette was hysterical.

"No effing way!" Kiara seethed in anger, volume growing louder as she stared at the girl more. "You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?"

John B looked at the tree teenagers who stood at the sidelines— Pope, standing straight on a stool, JJ, manspreading on a soft chair, and Nicola, who had her shoulders perched up on the wooden fence.

"I dunno." Pope quickly shrugged, not liking the attention that was on him.

"Does she get a cut?" Cola questioned warily, not liking the idea of their money growing less because of Sarah's presence. They lived in two different worlds; Sarah had everything handed to her on a golden platter, while she had to work ten jobs as a thirteen year old just to make sure she doesn't starve. Sarah Cameron, the most privileged girl in the Outer Banks getting the same cut as her? No fucking way would she let that happen.

"Look, if she does, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share." JJ said with a ringed hand on his chest, continuing Cola's statement.

"Does she even need a share?" The girl questioned, letting her sheer jealousy of the Cameron's wealth take over her. She had nothing against Sarah, at all, but the thought of a super rich girl only becoming richer made her furious for some reason.

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote." Kie exclaimed, feeling more confident now that the three bystanders were backing her up. "This is our thing. A Pogue thing."

"I gotta say," Pope started, eyeing Cola, then JJ, before glancing at John B. "I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this."

"Thank you!"

"When are you not?" John B exclaimed, hoping that Pope, out of all people, would side with him.

In the middle of the whole thing, Cola caught Sarah Cameron's eyes on her. The moment she realizes this, she winks at the girl, before turning to her friends once again.

"— dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably."

Cola once rode behind JJ when her own bike broke down— and here was the thing: he drove like a madman.

"It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him." JJ chimed in softly.

"That's cute, guys."

"You know, we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her." Kiara exclaimed in annoyance, raising her hands up.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah snapped, cheeks tinted red.

"Then leave!"

Even though Cola knew that she wasn't supposed to find this entertaining, she was. It was like watching one of those dramas her mother always played on the DVD when she was little.

Sarah scoffed, turning to John B. "I told you."

"Told him what, exactly? That you're a liar?"

"No, that you're a shit-talking bitch."

There was a small voice in her head chanting 'fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!' but Cola decided to keep it right there where it was— in her head. She could already sense the judgmental stare Pope would give her once she started egging them on.

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! jj maybank Where stories live. Discover now