E.P. 4 Jacques

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The camera opens up to the group walking out of the mine. Asher swings redemption around in shotgun form then he turns it to sword form and throws it up in the air and it lands on his back perfectly.

Grif and Simmons are high fiving, while Donut is celebrating.

Asher:"Well, done men."

Grif and Simmons:"They were so cool."

Then they hear Nora yell.

Nora:"Thunder Thighs!"

Ruby walks up to Harriet. Asher goes up to Ruby.

Ruby:"Perfect complementary teamwork. Oh, yeah. I want to have my friends' backs just like that."

Ruby and Asher fist bump each other.


Elm laughs.

Elm:"Ha ha, this isn't the schoolyard, kid."

Nora:"Thunder thighs." *Ren picks her up.*

The rest of Team RWBY and Red walk up.

Yang:"But, I mean, when you go through so much with someone it kind of changes things, doesn't it?"

Simmons:"Yeah, it's almost like were a family."

Harriet:"We get along well enough, sure. I count on them to keep me alive. They do the same. But that's the job. We don't confuse the two."

Asher:*Whispers.* "That's not right."

Ruby:*Whispers.* "I know."

Clover:"Speaking of the job..."

They look ahead to see Ironwood.

Clover:"Duty ever beckons. You all hang back a second."

The Ace-Ops go up to Ironwood. The Ruby turns to them.

Ruby:"What do you guys want to do when we get back to Atlas? Sightseeing?" *She gasps.* "Oh, what should we visit first?"

Blake yawns.

Blake:"How about our beds?"

Ruby:"Oh, come on, guys! This is a great time to go exploring. We haven't done that in so long."

Asher:"We also haven't had a good nights sleep in so long." *Asher yawns.* "The last time I did was before the fall of Beacon." *He stays with Ruby and Red team walks away.*

Weiss:"Ruby, we just explored a whole continent on foot before flying to this one."

Ruby:"Well, yeah. But it was only the boring parts."

Yang:"We almost died."

Asher:"Multiple times."

Ruby just scoffs.

Asher:"Just give it a few days Ruby. Everyone just needs to get some rest."


They walk to the others.

Qrow:"Hey, Heads up."

Ironwood speaks up.

Ironwood:"Can I get the team leaders over here? There's something I'd like to discuss with you. You too, Qrow."

The team leaders and Qrow, go up to Ironwood. Ironwood looks to Clover.

Ironwood:"I need you on the ground, but be subtle. If people see too many huntsmen milling around they'll get nervous."

Clover salutes and walks away.

Ironwood:"And Clover? Don't take Marrow."

Clover laughs and nods. Ironwood then looks to the others.

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 7Where stories live. Discover now