E.P. 8 Schnee Mansion

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(Long chapter for you guys, so I hope you like it.)

The camera opens up to Red team in their dorm. Everyone is getting ready for the party. Asher is changing his bandage on his right leg. He throws his old bloody one away and puts the new one on. He stands up and some blood seeps into the bandage.

Donut:"Sir, are you sure you're okay going?"

Asher:"It doesn't matter if I'm okay. I need to go there. I don't trust Jacques, at all."

Simmons:"Yeah He's planning something."

Grif:"At least there'll be food tonight."

Asher limps to the closest and puts his outfit on. Donut walks up to him with a cane and Asher grabs it and uses it.

Asher:"Let's go, men."

Later that night.

Everyone is getting out of vehicles that arrive at the Schnee mansion. Asher gets out of the vehicle that Ironwood and Winter are in. winter and Asher stand at both sides of him.

Ironwood:"Suppose we should smile for the cameras?"

Winter:"Sir, with all due respect, you'd have to pay me."

Winter walks ahead.

Asher:"Sir, It's hard to smile with what's going to happen."

Both Ironwood and Asher follow Winter. Asher is still using the cane. The group walks up to the door and Ironwood rings the doorbell. The door creaks open to reveal, Whitley Schnee.

Whitley:"Good evening, everyone."

Weiss:"Where's Klein?"

Whitley:"What an interesting way to say, 'Hello, dear brother, how have you been?'" *He crosses his arms.* "I'm afraid you won't find him here. He was let go. I can't imagine why."

Weiss gasps and Asher grabs her hand and lightly squeezes it. She smiles at him.

Whitley:"General, exactly how large do you think our dining room table is?"

Ironwood:"I happen to know it's enormous, but most of my guests will be on standby in case the Council requests additional eye witnesses. Until then, I'm sure they'll be happily celebrating your father's victory."

Whitley laughs smugly and walks away.

Asher:"I have never wanted to smack someone so hard before."

Weiss:"You'll get used to it. Maybe."

They all walk in following Whitley. When they get to the middle of the room, he turns and addresses the group.

Whitley:"For those of you joining us in the dining room, please follow me."

Asher looks to his team.

Asher:"Keep an eye out." *He turns away then turns back.* "Also have fun."

He follows Ironwood, winter, Clover, and Penny to the dining room.

Clover:"Wish us luck."

Qrow:*Chuckles.* "I mean they already invited you, didn't they."

They all go through a door and keep following whitley. They arrive at the dining room and whitley walks off.

Jacques:"General Ironwood, please: have a seat."

Jacques then sees Asher. His face turns to surprise and anger. Then he calms himself down and goes back to smugly smiling. Ironwood nods to Clover, Winter and Asher. They sit at the ends of the table. Asher sits next to Winter.

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 7Where stories live. Discover now