E.P. 10 They Were Here!

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The camera opens up to Red team reloading their weapons. They all look beat up. Grif has some blood falling from his head, Asher has a cut on his cheek. Simmons's cybor parts have a few scratches and Donuts has a few scrapes.

The camera turns to look in front of them. A goliath rawrs at them and Asher pumps redemption in shotgun form. He smirks.


The Goliath rawrs and charges at them. Asher turns to his team and nods they nod back. Simmons runs back aways as Grif and Asher run at the Goliath. Donut stays in place and he lowers himself towards the ground. As Grif and Asher charge the Goliath, Grif tosses a grenade to Asher and Asher tosses a magazine to Grif. Simmons is seen running to Donut and when he reaches Donut donut puts his hands out and throws Simmons towards the Goliath.

Asher flicks the pin of the Grenade and tosses it up and Simmons grabs it as he flies past them. Grif shoots at the Goliath to distract it and Simons flies past the Grimm and the genade flies next to its head and explodes sending it off course and into a wall. Simmons does a barrel roll as he lands on the ground. Asher then uses his semblance to propel himself on top of the goliath as it's getting itself out of the wall. He begins to shoot it in the head and the Goliath tries to Shake him off it's head. Asher then jumps of and Donut charges past shooting it and the goliath charges at him. Donut stops running in front of the warthog and keeps shooting the goliath as it's charging.

Right before the Goliath hits Donut a orange and red blur tackles donut out of the way and the Goliath crashes into the warthog. The warthog is now leaking fuel and the fire grows bigger. The camera the pans over to Asher. Asher stops using his semblance and turns mid air and pulls out a magnum from the back of his him and aims it a the leaking fuel.

Asher:"Go to hell."

Time slows down as Asher fires the gun. The camera follows the bullet as it travel through the air past Grif and it hits the leaking fuel tank and the warthog explodes, killing the Goliath. Times resumes as Donut and Asher hit the ground. Asher lays on the ground for a few seconds catching his breath. He then sits up and looks at the burning wreckage of the warthog. He then looks to the magnum he's holding.

Asher:"Thanks Ironwood

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Asher:"Thanks Ironwood."

Donut stands up and he helps Asher get up. The rest of his team walks up to them.

Grif:"We did it." *He puts his hands on his knees and takes a few deep breaths.*

Simmons:"After this, I'm so taking a long nap."

Grif:*Points to him.* "I agree with that."

Asher:"Well, now's not the time for naps we need to regroup with the others."

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 7Where stories live. Discover now