E.P. 11 Volume Final: The Meta's Fall

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The camera opens up with Team RWBY standing across from the Ace-Ops and Team Red. Asher pulls puts redemption on his back and pulls out his magnum. He has his robot arm behind his back.

Weiss:*She looks to Asher.* "Please think about what your doing."

Harriet:"You heard the General. Until this is sorted out, you're under arrest." *She pushes a button and the room goes on lockdown.*


Vine:"Please. Don't make this difficult."

Blake:"Don't make us have to get out of here by force."

Everyone draws their weapons. Red team aims their guns at team RWBY.

Marrow:"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not actually going to slug this out, are we?"

Harriet:"We're not doing anything. They decide what happens next."

Ruby walks up to her team and puts Crescent Rose into scythe form.

Yang:*Looks to Asher and she gets angry.* "How could yous side with them over your friends and family?!"

Asher:*Stoic face.* "Good soldiers follow orders."

Weiss:"I thought I knew you fly boy."

Harriet:"Their good soldiers. So you think you're going to stop us." *She scoffs.* "We're the best huntsmen in Atlas."

Ruby:"You were. Then you trained us."

Ruby looks to Asher and gives a small nod and he nods back.

A metal clank is heard behind Asher.

Asher:"I my be a good soldier," *He smirks.* "But no one gets between me and my family." *He winks at Team RWBY.*

Yang, Blake and Weiss's eyes widen then they all smirk.

He brings his robot arm from out behind is back to show a live grenade and he tosses it up.

Time slows down as Asher uses his semblance to break down the door. The Ace-Ops look up to see the live grenade falling and they jump back. Red team follow their leader out the door. Ruby uses her Semblance to rush out the door. When the grenade hits the ground time resumes and it exploded causing chaos.

Red team gets to the elevator. Ruby right behind them and she stop Harriet from getting closer.

Ruby:"We'll hold them off. Get to the Array."

Asher enters an elevator with his team and give her a two fingered salute.

The camera follows red team into the elevator.

Simmons:"How did she know our plan."

Asher flicks his wrist and shows them he messaged Ruby.

Asher:"When everyone was arguing, I used that time to message Ruby."


Weiss:"None of this matters now."

Ruby's scroll goes off and she looks at it. It's a message from Asher and she opens it.

Asher:*Message* 'Ironwood will most certainly arrest you guys for all you've done. But when he does, trust me. Me and my team need to get to the Array station. That's where The Meta is being baited. We're going to stop him once and for all.'

Ruby looks up to Asher and nods.

Flashback end


Asher:"So men, let's go stop The Meta."

Simmons:"I don't think a jeep will get us there soon enough... But I think I know what we can use."

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