He didn't mean it little fox. . . (DSMP)

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This is an idea I had from the moment Schlatt told Fundy he wasn't a man if I remember it right-

Little!Trans!Fundy, Cg!Eret

Warning: Transphobia, alcohol usage, cursing, fighting, and death.

Everyone surrounded Schlatt confused, why had he been drinking so much? What was he doing in the van in the first place? Everyone passed around jokes at Schlatt's drunken state then Schlatt spotted Fundy huddled at the top with Niki and a few others.

"Fundy?! Fundy what're you doing here?!" Schlatt yelled up to the fox as anxiety raised in the young fox. Fundy didn't like yelling at all. 

"Schlatt are you fucking drunk?" Fundy coldy asked back to the ram. Fundy had slipped down from where he was only to have Schlatt start punching him. Quackity tried to stop him only to be punched as well. Schlatt continued to hit Fundy till the others finally got him to stop, but Schlatt still yelled slurred words to Fundy in his drunken state. 

"Who's- who's gonna lift dumbbells with me man?!" (I don't think I heard that right at all-) Schlatt had yelled at Fundy again. Fundy's mind started to feel fuzzy from everything happening to him at the moment. He gave Eret a look that was screaming 'help. Get me out of here please...' but Eret was still confused about the situation in front of him and didn't know what to do. Fundy tried his best to stay big and continue the argument. 

"Schaltt you fucked up the country, you fucked up everything! You had a dream and I followed it but you brought it downhill! Everything- you ruined it. You ruined everything we had! Your-" Schlatt had interrupted Fundy saying that his protein shake had something in it that was 'working it's magic'. Despite the situation Wilbur had found it amusing and tried not to laugh at Schlatt's drunken state. Fundy continued to yell back at Schlatt. "I thought you were something!"

Schlatt had been tired and in pain but he was so upset at Fundy he had decided to respond to Fundy. "Oh my fucking god.... Yeah, yeah I am somethin'! I- I'm what you're not Fundy!" "What?!" Schlatt only mumbled for a second about needing more alcohol in his drink. "What am I not?" Fundy coldy asked. Tired of having to deal with the drunk. 

Schlatt had drunkenly replied back to Fundy, smugly. "I'm a maaaaan." Niki had gasped and everyone went pale. Schlatt wasn't transphobic, right? Fundy and everyone had wondered. 

"Yeah that's right!" Wilbur was sick of this and just tried to separate Schlatt and Fundy as he had started hitting Fundy again. It was time for Schlatt to go. Schlatt hid punched Wilbur into the wall to continue to punch Fundy. Schlatt then pulled out a sword. That just about did it for Fundy as he ran away fear making tears blur his vision. Eret had chased after knowing that he had to get Fundy out of here as fast as possible. Schlatt had given up on chasing after the fox by then and Eret finally caught up with him. 

"Fundy let's head back ok? Everyone will be worried." Eret told Fundy in a calm voice. Fundy followed after the genderfluid king he saw as a father. (I don't know much lore if he isn't king by then I'm sorry-) When they got back Eret had Fundy close to him as they watched everything unfold, Tommy with a crossbow aimed right in between Schlatt's eyes. Fundy had zoned out wanting to ignore the situation as Eret watched Schaltt fire arrows at Quackity, his ex husband. Quackity and Schlatt then started arguing about how Schlatt had ruined everything for himself.

More arguing went on till suddenly Schaltt started coughing in pain and Wilbur ordered silence. Schlatt gripped at his chest feeling it burn. At his moment Fundy had turned back to everything thinking it was fine to listen again only to see something wrong with Schlatt. He said he smelt toast, that wasn't good at all. In his dying moments Schlatt had continued to chug bottles upon bottles.

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