Now You Know. . . (Deltarune)

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Ah yes a nice lil' Deltarune chapter for everyone! :) This will include some of my Susie hc btw!

She/They!Little!Susie. Cg!Kris, Cg!Noelle (Noelle my beloved <3)

Warning! Mentions of abusive parents, bad thoughts, yelling, fighting, abandonment <-(in a way)

Susie had been stressed all day. Her dad had yelled at her this morning, drunk, he even threw a bottle at the door when she was leaving and the noise of glass breaking had already almost made her cry but she couldn't. Not when you're one of the people seen in town as being really tough. She couldn't cry. She couldn't ask for cuddles no matter how touch starved she was. 

When she arrived at school she was late to class. Again. Alphys had kindly told her to try and make it to class on time next time, Susie had hated how Alphys had always acted motherly like to them. She had been glad her mum had left her fahter but couldn't she have taken her with her? No. She looked too much like her father for her mum to actually want them.

She had been spaced out in the back of the class with her hands in her hair but also hiding the cut on one of her eyes from her dad. She stared down at her desk trying to stop herself from slipping but she had more bad thoughts "Your mother never wanted you." "You're an accident, a mistake." "No one wants you here. Not even Alphys." 

"Susie? Susie??? Kris is she ok?" Alphys had asked. Kris tried to reach out to Susie to get their attention instead, Susie had stood up and left the classroom. As soon as she had walked out of the classroom she had ran. She ran. They didn't know where until they reached a supply closet. 

When they closed the door she turned on the light and then sat in front of the door. They pulled their knees close to herself and she finally cried. They let out all of their feelings. 

Kris and Noelle looked worriedly at the classroom door and both got up at the same time and went running to find their friend and also crush. <-(Noelle) Kris had found the closet and on the other side heard crying. Susie crying. They'd never seen nor heard their friend cry ever. They'd alerted Noelle that Susie was in the closet and they had both nodded to each other and opened the door to see Susie crying in the corner since she had moved away from the door not liking hearing the noises of slamming lockers, constant talking, and loud squeaking of shoes on the floors. Noelle had immediately ran to the corner to comfort her crush hating to see her look so sad. Noelle had hugged Susie and was surprised to see Susie hug her back and lean closer to her. Kris had walked over as well and sat there and let Susie know the best they could that she's ok and they could tell them both anything she need to to feel better.

Susie had been fully regressed at this point so they felt more sensitive to anything at this point. Susie had fidgeted with Noelle's hair and the beaded hair-ties . Noelle giggles at how adorable her crush was being and how she was being the complete opposite of herself.  While Noelle had been comforting Susie and letting them play with her hair, Kris had been looking for a reason as to why Susie had been acting the way she had been seeing it as irregular. After a bit of searching and a LOT of deep diving they eventually had found their answer, age regression. Susie was a regressor, they were sure they just needed to find a way to confirm it without making Susie panic in any way. 

Kris had asked Noelle for Susie to which she happily complied as badly as she wanted to continue to cuddle the dino girl. Kris had pulled Susie close to them and had made a note sheet on their phone and wrote down a question "Are you an age regressor Sus?" (pronounced like soos I see you guys that think it's S U S ) The handed Susie their phone and when she read the question their face went red of embarrassment and her eyes filled with slight panic and Kris rubbed her arm as a way to tell them it's ok and they won't judge. Susie looked at them happy they won't judge and nodded her head yes shyly and then went over to Noelle and hugged her. Noelle hugged back and then Susie had taken off their jacket since it had been hot in the closet. She was wearing a tank-top that showed her shoulders scattered with freckles. 

Kris had showed his phone to Noelle while Susie was cuddling her and showed her the information on age regression. Noelle looked like she'd already know about it and the had Susie look at her. "Sweet girl how old are you feeling Angel?" The question made Susie flustered as she held up three fingers and swapped between three and four. "Oh such a small girl! Here how about we take you somewhere else besides this closet ok Sweetheart?" Noelle said. Susie nodded her head and then Noelle stood up along with Kris and Susie. They headed out of the closet with Susie holding her hand. Before they left, Kris walked back into the classroom real quick to collect all of their stuff and then signed to Alphys that they were taking Susie home since she wasn't feeling well. Alphys told Kris to tell Susie that she hopes she will feel better soon. Kris nodded their head and headed out of the classroom and looked at Noelle and Susie's locker codes so they could put away their stuff and head out of the building to take Susie to a better place for her current mindset.

After Kris caught up with the two Kris told Susie about Alphys hoping she'll feel better soon and Susie looked happy that Alphys cared. They walked out of the school building, Noelle holding Susie's hand and Kris walking with them on their way to a better place to be at, Kris's house was no good since Toriel was still home as she doesn't have much to do except stay home and do motherly things like knitting. Noelle did say her parents were currently on a business trip leaving Noelle to take care of herself. It was common for Noelle's parents to be on business trips and leaving Noelle at home, while it upset her she was happy that her parents got to travel like they dreamed to, she just wishes that they'd take her with instead of leaving her home all the time, like on holidays when her parents would leave for her to celebrate alone. Noelle would often just cry because she misses her parents and feel like they've abandoned her but they always come back but she's scared one day they won't come back that time.

Once they reach Noelle's place after some time they open the door and walk up to Noelle's room. It's a pastel pink with christmas decorations like ornaments hanging from the ceiling and a tiny christmas tree next to her bed on a white nightstand. Noelle seems to also have toys from when she was younger still as well, probably too scared to throw them away or she feels like it'll be the last thing her parents ever gave her if they do just up and leave her behind. Noelle hand Susie a plushie of a duck her parents had given her when she was 4. It was in perfect condition as well, Noelle probably takes the best care of her toys out of everyone known at this point. 

Susie happily takes the duck plush and hugs it close to her and smiles. She then hugs Noelle and smiles. Noelle was so happy Susie was able to smile now, even though she may not smile later her smiling now is what matters more. Noelle sits on the floor of her fluffy light gray floor and has Susie sit in front of her as they play with her plushies and make their own imaginary story from scratch and just make it all up as they go. Kris was watching from afar smiling and then continued to look at their phone. They had open a website of things for littles. they were definitely buys some of this stuff for Susie, it would make their friend happy. It was worth spending his allowance on all of this if it made their friend happy and healthy. Then while Susie and Noelle were playing with plushies Susie was convinced the alligator plushie needed to die.

"Why can't he live Susie?" Noelle asked Susie. "Because he hurts me." Susie said back. Noelle was caught off guard by that answer but the more she looked at the plushies they had the more she realized that they all represent someone Susie knows. The deer was Noelle, the rabbit was Kris, the Goat she didn't know who that was cause it wasn't Toriel, the annoying bird was Berdly, the shy dinosaur was Alphys, the salmon was Undyne, and then the alligator must've been Susie's dad. Noelle hugs Susie close and kisses the top of their head. 

"If you want you can stay here with me for a bit sweet heart. I doubt my parents are coming back for awhile so you can stay as long as you'd like!" Noelle offered to lighten the mood. Susie nodded her head yes and hugged Noelle.

The rest of the day was spent taking care of their friend while in her sweet headspace till she fell asleep with Noelle on her bed so Kris tucked them in and turned off the light and on the nightlight Noelle still owned and closed the door and texted Toriel who'd called them three times already that they was at a friend's house helping take care of another friend who wasn't feeling well. Toriel said she was glad they made friends but to please answer her calls. Kris smiles and walks to the guest bedroom that Noelle said he could stay in till the morning and fell asleep. It was a nice day truly, sure their may have been a few bumps along the way but today was still good day for everyone. 

I love this chapter so much! Sorry it took so long to write I got really caught up in some stuff I needed to do! I still need to work on more stuff but this chapter was one thing I wanted to finish first the Album cover I'm making can wait! (Not a real Album cover btw I just had to make my own for a fake band that I made up) (1814)

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