Visit Gone Wrong? (DSMP)

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This was requested by @Void_Voidself ! Thank you for the idea! (If you have requested something do not worry I am working on them slowly but surely and sorry that they're taking so long!) (Oh god it's been so honking long since you requested this I'm so sorry mate!! I feel so bad I was going to post this so much sooner but I got to a point in the story where I didn't know what else to write and the story felt so short and I didn't want to disappoint you! Don't worry it shall be posted! :])

Little!BadBoyHalo    Cg!Fundy

(I really want this one to just be fluff really not a lot of angst since angst is all I ever write for some reason lol let's try to not make it angsty-)

It all started when Fundy had decided to visit the U.S, Fundy had decided to ask Bad if they could meet up. Bad said yes of course wanting to meet his friend. Fundy had texted Bad when his plane had landed a week after him and Bad had planned the meetup while Fundy was in California. Bad had been very excited for his friend to visit, he cleaned for a very long time wanting everything to be perfect, he had already sent Fundy his address. Bad had wanted everything to be perfect for his friend. Bad had wanted to slip that day but he figured he could hold it off until Fundy had left, he would later learn that he was oh so wrong. 

When Fundy knocked on his door he was excited! He got to see one of his best friends and they were staying at his house for an entire week! All the excitement brought a familiar fuzz to his mind but he thought he could hold it off for a little bit until Fundy left. Bad opened the door and greeted Fundy and let his friend inside.

"Woah Bad this is a beautiful place you have!" Fundy said looking around the building. "Thank you, Fundy! Want me to give you a tour around the place?" Bad said excitedly to which Fundy nodded and off they went for a tour around Bad's house. As the time progressed with Bad showing Fundy different rooms the fuzz in his mind became stronger and stronger making his head hurt. Fundy on the other hand was focused on how Bad's demeanor had been changing often during the whole tour. He noticed Bad was about to chew on his sleeve but stop the action, seemingly remembering that he had a guest over. Bad also seemed to get more excited over each room as time went on. Now Fundy has a history with watching over littles, he's gotten little vibes from Bad but never really seemed to ask worrying his friend wasn't and he was wrong. Fundy decided that now he should probably ask now that it had been painfully obvious.

"Hey uh Bad?" Fundy asked as the boy in front of him turned around "What is it Fundy?" Bad asked. Fundy became a bit nervous but he still needed to ask. "Bad are you a uh, a little?" Bad froze after Fundy had said these words, did he possibly accidentally leave an item around the house that gave it all away? No, he was sure it wasn't that so then what gave Fundy this conclusion? Bad hadn't realized how badly he had zoned out before Fundy had been hugging him and rubbing circles on his back, "Bad there's no need to cry, I'm not upset in the slightest, it's ok" Fundy said, his voice like honey and clovers. Bad didn't realized he had been crying till Fundy told him there was no need to cry, he had hugged the other back and hid his face in his shoulder. 

"Bad do you have any little items? Do you want anything like a snack?" Fundy had asked. Bad had nodded his head and pointed towards his room. "Do you want me to carry you Bad?" Fundy had asked receiving grabby hands from Bad. Fundy smiled and picked up Bad setting the boy down on his hip as they made their way to Bad's room. Once they found Bad's box of little items Fundy let Bad pick out what he wanted, Bad had picked out a cat plushie he had named Muffin and a sippy cup. Fundy smiled at the boy and kept his box out just in case it would be needed later. "Bad do you have any comfy clothing as well? I think it would be better than what you're currently wearing." Fundy said as he ruffled Bad's hair. Bad nodded his head and grabbed a hoodie from his closet, it was pastel and it have the album cover of his song Muffin on it! (I just really love that song and want a pastel hoodie of it-) Fundy smiled at Bad as the boy had also grabbed a pair of shorts that had corgis on them. "Alright, angel do you need help changing, or do you think you can do it yourself?" Fundy asked. Bad had pointed to himself and Fundy nodded. "Just let me know if you do need help ok Bad I'll be right outside, just knock whenever you're done  or need help ok?" Bad nodded his head and waved to Fundy before the door was closed for him to change. 

After Bad changed he carefully opened the door and shyly looked over to Fundy who smiled at him and picked Bad up along with his sippy cup and handed the boy his plush as he carried Bad to his kitchen. Fundy started making Bad angel milk and searching for a snack to give the boy. He set Bad down on the kitchen counter as he searched for a snack eventually settling for berries for the boy.  He picked Bad up once again and set on a Disney movie for the boy, Zootopia per Bad's request. 

"I'll be right back Angel I'm going to go grab your snacks ok?" Fundy said looking to Bad and receiving a small nod. Fundy grabbed Bad's snack and his sippy cup and walked back to Bad, the little tapped Fundy's knee as a way of asking if he was allowed to sit in Fundy's lap receiving a nod. Bad smiled happily and he did the slightest stim of joy before settling himself in Fundy's lap.

Throughout the movie, Fundy would feed Bad berries and let him sip on his drink every now and then. Eventually Bad had slowly been growing more tired as he hugged Fundy and hid his face in Fundy's shoulder. Fundy smiled as he ran his hands through Bad's hair, it had grown long over time and from the inability to really cut it.

Fundy saw Rat walk up to the couch as she jumped up onto the couch, Fundy smiled and laid down with Bad, who was slowly drifting to sleep, on top of him. Rat had somehow found her way in between Fundy's arm and the couch. Fundy soon saw the little on top of him asleep before drifting off into a deep sleep himself.

The next morning when Bad woke up with himself on Fundy he panicked a little, sneaking himself away to his room and changing into sweatpants and a different hoodie, hiding the other hoodie back in his closet. He snuck back downstairs to see Fundy slowly waking up before fixing his red and white hair before looking back over to Bad

"Morning Angel" Fundy had said tiredly. Oh. Fundy knew then, didn't he? But how? 

"Wait Fundy you know?" Bad asked unsure if he was right or not. "About you being a little? That was obvious for a long time I just never had the guts to ask till yesterday." Fundy responded, sleep still beckoning him to close his eyes again.

"Oh. Well, I'm not little anymore so-" "Mhm yep. I believe you Bad." Fundy cut in not buying a word Bad was saying. Bad's face flushed red with embarrassment as he had been caught "Not fair! Fundy too smart!" Bad argued back. Fundy chuckled and picked up Bad, "Aw does my little Angel wanna spend a day with me?" Fundy asked, already knowing the answer. Bad rapidly nodded his head as he stimmed more, giggling slightly.

Fundy could feel his heart melt at that.

After Bad had slipped back into big space the next day Bad and Fundy talked it all out, Bad had gotten himself a caregiver. While they may not always be together in person they would find a way to figure out how long-distance would work out for them!


It's the end! I'm so so sorry this took so long! I was really struggling with my writing for a bit and at one point just forcing myself to write and then there was a drop in writing for a bit. More chapters will most likely be pumped out quicker now hopefully if I have time! I get a small break from school soon so hopefully, I get time to write more then! Once again very sorry this took as long as it did I feel so bad ;-; (1529)

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