Royalty Doesn't Always Have to be Responsible Prince. . . (DSMP)

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This was mostly requested by @Athena_Was_Taken  but overall I offered to write it for them! 

Little!Eret               Cg!George   (I wanna also write a little Eret and CG Fundy sometime! Little Eret is underrated I can't find it like anywhere-)

Tw: First time regressing, panic attacks, pushing away regression, and mentioned death of a sheep we know-

(btw this may be a bit inspired by @HalfMoonMagic  since I really love their work and their little Eret is a huge comfort to me and I love their work in general!)

Eret had woken up that morning feeling as though something was... off. Very off. He couldn't put his finger on it what it quite was but her mind felt like well, a blur in a way, like Friend's wool. If they were being honest they loved that sheep, he was cute, sad that Skeppy killed him. He remembered he had a meeting with George and Schlatt that day knowing he was going to be faced with an angry drunk and her ex-fiance, they weren't excited. (lore fact: Quackity for a short while was engaged with Eret. If he stayed with Eret he probably would've lived his best life cause we all know Eret would treat him right-)  

Eret made her way down the castle halls after getting ready to go to the meeting room he had in the castle. As soon as the doors were opened Eret was met with Schaltt trying to punch George across the table and Quackity holding him back, Schlatt was obviously drunk. Again. Eret cleared their voice and all the attention was turned towards them. All the yelling stopped and everyone froze. They all sat down in their seats and went straight to business. George and Quackity started discussing things about their own lands and how to keep people mutual and happy since no one wanted any more wars after the many that had happened before with Tommy and the discs. Eret, on the other hand, had been trying to process their words and ideas but that soft, cotton-like buzz in the back of her mind had gotten stronger and their mind could only process names and smaller words at the moment for some reason. The confusion scared them, normally she would know what is happening but this is something he didn't know about but they were known to know almost everything, so what was it that they didn't know?

"What do you think Eret? does that sound like a good plan?" George asked looking over at Eret to be met with eyes of panic and confusion. George was confused, along with Schlatt and Quackity all looking over to Eret confused about what worried the royal. George could sense that something was wrong with the royal but before he could say anything Eret got up and ran away. Eret had grown anxious from their staring eyes and wanted to leave as soon as possible. Eret ran down the halls of the castle, not sure where they were going or where she even was. Soon enough he tripped on his heel falling over on the castle floors. It hurt when he fell and decided to hide behind an old L'manburg uniform she had on display in the halls on a mannequin hoping that they were safe from anything. She heard the sound of another person running down the halls sounding worried "Eret!" It was George. He sounded worried and panicked since they had just randomly grown anxious and ran away. 

Geroge now stood near the uniformed mannequin looking worried. His mushroom hat/crown and cape that was normally covered in leaves discarded and looking around for his friend. When he looked to the right to be met with an anxious Eret struggling to breathe his heart broke. Nothing ever really caused Eret to panic like this, so what has bothered her so much to have a panic attack? George knelt down in front of the panicked royal but Eret seemed to try and move away slightly. Geroge was confused on why she moved away like they did.

"Eret, look at me I need you to breathe with me ok?" George said tilting Eret's head to look up at him, George took off his clout goggles and let them drape from the chain he had on them to reveal blue and brown eyes that you could see a slight gold in when the sunlight shined on them. Eret seemed to clam down more being able to see his eyes and the white freckles that reminded the royal of the white spots on mushrooms. After George had been able to calm down Eret somehow along the way Eret ending up in George's lap and seemed to be calmed down. George spoke softly to the royal as to not startle them again.

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