You're Safe Now Little Duck. . . (DSMP)

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This is in the past in an au back when Quackity and Schlatt are married but after Quackity had given Tubbo to Philza to care for in fear Schlatt was going to hurt him. Also shapeshifter Quackity cause yes.

Warnings: Abuse, alcohol, yelling, cursing, and just angst at the start

Cg!Philza, Little!Quackity

Quackity's POV: (Something new oOoOoo~)

I heard Schlatt yelling again. More slurred words just like the night before. He's drunk again. I suddenly heard him walking towards our shared room and panic filled my body as I quickly ran into the bathroom and closed the door but accidentally forgot to lock the door since I forget things when panicked. 

I heard him yelling my name and multiple curses. My mind began to slowly feel fuzzy and suddenly I heard a glass bottle break. Then, the bathroom door burst open to see a angry Schlatt at the door looking like he was ready to murder someone. 

"Quackity I want my son back now!! Give me back my fucking son!" Schaltt yelled at me. "Schlatt I gave Tubbo away to a better home fifteen fucking years ago! Get over it! He's in a better home now and with a better family!" I yelled back. That was a mistake. I had gotten punched in the face and then pinned to the ground. Schlatt was holding a shard of glass from his drink earlier in his hands. There was still alcohol on it so it was going to hurt more if he were to try and hurt me with it.

"Don't ever fucking talk back to me like that Quackity you fucking got it?!" Schlatt said as he held the glass closer to my cheek under my left eye while tugging my head up to look at him by my hair. 

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at him in fear. "Don't fucking cry now you weak fuck." Schlatt said as he let go of my head as it hit the floor. He dropped the glass shard and walked out of the bathroom. A cut now slowly bleeding on my left cheek. There were also some bruises slowly forming from when Schaltt had pinned me down to the floor from the fall. All of this made my mind fuzzy and I knew there was only one person I could go to about this. Philza. The man I gave my child to, to save him from the abuse he'd face if he stayed with me and his father. I know Schlatt hated it when I left at night and after I'd come back that would lead to abuse from him but I couldn't take it anymore. 

I grabbed a bag and threw some clothes in there and a plushie of a duck I had hidden from Schlatt knowing he's tear the thing to pieces before my eyes if he ever found it. It was a gift from Philza and his kids Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy. I cherished it with all my life, glad knowing at least some people cared and thought of me hugging the plush before setting it down carefully into the bag before zipping it up and sneaking out of the window to start running for my life away from my home.

<Time skip a bit>

After what felt like hours of running through a forest getting cuts all over my face, arms, and legs thanks to twigs, bushes, and branches from the trees I finally saw the warm glow of Philza's small home in front of me. A smile formed on my face as the tears that had disappeared a bit ago started to form again as I ran to the house and bust open the door to see Philza on the couch reading a book but he had jumped when he heard the door open suddenly.

<No one's POV now->

Philza looked up from his book thinking one of his children found something or got hurt only to see a hurt Quackity at the door crying but filled with relief to see him. 

"Quackity.... Did Schlatt- Did you run all the way here?" Philza asked worried only to see Quackity shake his head yes, probably to both questions. To run all the way from where Schlatt and Quackity lived all the way to Philza's house was a pretty far run since Schlatt didn't like Phil or how close him and Quackity seemed. He thought Quackity was cheating on him with Phil and made them move away. The day they moved was the day Quackity gave Tubbo to Philza hidden in a box filled with blankets and bees. The bees loved Tubbo so they never hurt him, they didn't hurt Phil or Quackity either since Tubbo liked them. 

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