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Aden Park

Feeling the stares and hearing whispers coming from her classmates, Aden took no notice of them and carried on with her work.  A small frown formed on her forehead. She hated being the center of attention but she knew she would be causing this commotion, just because her classroom's heater was on and she was sporting an oversized hoodie. She became to sweat and she hated the feeling, she had to take it off.

Unconsciously running her fingers down left arm she flinched at the sore sensation and by doing that, she brought more attention to herself. She rolled her eyes sighing. People always stared, it used to bother her but now she didn't care, it's not that she embraced them but she just didn't care. They were all over her body. Her arms, her thighs, and stomach. Some were old and healed, others were fresh, red and crusty. Glazing away from her work Aden looked up at the clock, only few minutes were left before the bell rang. She was ready to leave, science wasn't her favourite subject, in fact nothing was, she hated school, but she also didn't want to be a bum with no educating so with everything in her she dragged herself to school everyday.

Dragging her feet down the hallway, Aden scrolled through her Instagram page, she hasn't posted in a week but she was still being flooded with likes, comments and dm's. Aden had a large social following, she was quite the popular girl but a loner at the same time. She enjoyed her own company a little too much and never liked to be bothered. Scanning the classroom she walked into, her eyes landed on pretty brown set of familiar eyes. She blushed quickly looking away. The pair have been locking eyes whenever they saw each other but never actually spoke. Aden never had the courage to do so. She wasn't used to making the first move and walking up on people, even if she wanted to she had to much pride and shame for that, but she couldn't deny the attraction she felt for this person it was all new to her, never in her million years had she imagined being attracted or even thinking of being with a person like that. But each time her eyes landed on them , her stomach filled with butterflies and her cheeks hardened as she tried suppressing a smile.

"All right class quiet down and please open your books page 21" as the English teacher tried to get the class to calm down from their food high, Aden hurried and sat at the back of the classroom alone, like she always did.

Glancing up from her book, her eyes trailed the tall frame that sat in front of her, she wanted to say something just to hear their voice, she was so intrigued yet confused. The bell rang breaking her out of her day dream. She let out a breath of satisfaction finally the day was over. She could finally go back home to her bed. She gathered her things throwing them in bag. She was feeling low and needed to recharge, also she couldn't wait to go home and smoke. That was one of her many coping mechanism.

Reaching parking lot she sighed, her brother was late once again, Aden didn't have a car yet so she often depended on her brother to drop her off and pick her up, which he didn't mind but punctuality wasn't a strong trait of his. The frown on her face deepened as her hands fidgeted, the school was clearing up and she had been waiting for more than 10 minutes now, her anxiety creeped up on her as she bit her lips, she checked her phone for signs of her brother but nothing still.

"Yo" a raspy voice semi yelled causing Aden to flinch.

"Yes" Aden breathed.

"You need a ride or something" they asked.

Startled by the offer, Aden was at loss for words, she couldn't believe that they was speaking to her.

Growing annoyed the person kissed their teeth "you need to hurry up and decide" they directed at they feet "I need to get home before this shit start beeping"

Staring at their feet, Aden noticed the rather large ankle bracelet, only nodding in response she followed without saying a word.

"Put your adresse on my phone, here" they handed the phone to Aden and she did as she was told.

"You can speak. Ion bite love" they laughed peeping at her.

Aden glared at them and admired their tattooed arms, smooth face and braces.

"I know" Aden barely whispered. "I'm just a naturally quiet person"

"Yeah I peeped that, I don't think I ever heard you talk before." They said eyeing Aden.

"I don't have much to say" she said biting the insides of her cheek. Aden was nervous and she couldn't figure out why, the last time she felt this nervous around someone, was when she tried telling her 8th grade crush how much she liked him.

"It's better than being a loud ass bitch though" they said "I despise loud bitches"

Aden chuckles looking out the window. She despised them too. "You can stop here" she said after seeing the road she lived on appearing. Even though it was her classmate dropping her off, she still didn't want them to see where she lived exactly. You just couldn't trust anyone.

"Thanks for the ride I really appreciate it..."

"Ray. You can call me Ray" Ray smirked

Nodding she took off her seat belt opening the car door. But before she could get out Ray tucked at her arm.

"What I don't even get yo name?" Ray said still smirking.

Blushing Aden tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, she couldn't stop the butterflies feeling up her body, she just wanted to get out the car so she could let out a nervous fart. She always felt the need to fart in nervous situations.

"It's Aden" she breathed.

Ray nodded in satisfaction, flashing her the cutest smile. "Aight Aden. I hope to see you again" Ray nodded towards the door "now you can go" Ray said dismissing her.

Taken aback, Aden quickly got out and let out a nervous breath. Looking back at Ray she smiled nervously watching her drive away.

2 months at this school and this is the first time Aden felt excited about going to school the next day, in hopes of interacting with Ray again.

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