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Aden Park

" I was around 11 or 12, and at the time I lived with my aunt, her kids and husband... We was having a huge family dinner so everyone was there, my mother and her siblings, my cousins and grand parents"

Aden breathed in, tears threatening to fall, she didn't want to relive the past but that was just something inevitable, sooner or later she would have to face the music.

"Everything was fine, the vibes the food.. it was great. Until it wasn't. I was sleeping sharing a bed with my older cousin, she was 4 years older than me, taller bigger and stronger. We used to get on well, never really argued, that night everything changed for the worse."

Rayanne's eyes roamed through Aden's entire body, vividly seeing the rapid change of posture, it was like Aden's soul had left her body, she looked physically sick, sweaty and pale. Rayanne's heart ached for her she already knew where this was going and she hated it.

"She woke me out of my sleep told me if we could okay a game because she couldn't sleep" sobbed Aden.

"I hardly agreed. I was tired not really paying attention. She got on top of me and started forcing her tongue in my mouth, I was in shock not knowing what to do" she carried on. Rayanne had her full attention, she reached over Aden's hand and gave it a squeeze, she needed her to feel safe.

"Next thing I know my clothes are being taken off of me, she licked every inch of my body... I was in so much shock I couldn't move. And then she did the unthinkable. She inserted a finger. And another, and then another. I begged and cried for her to stop at this point, but it was no use. She was determined that night. And she knew what she wanted. She wasn't going to stop until she had it" a shiver ran through her spine. Not being able to hold her tears Aden began crying.

"It carried on for what felt an eternity. It finally reached a stop when she felt the warm dampness on her fingers. I was bleeding. She had succeeded on taking my virginity"

Turning her head to the side her head fell back on the chair, a shaky sigh escaped her lips. 

"The next morning I felt violated , I knew it was wrong but I couldn't tell anybody. I didn't know how. But I regret not saying anything because I endured the sexual abuse for a year, it stopped when I finally had the courage to say something. Which only made matters worse"

Rayanne had so much questions. A lot was running through her mind, but Aden was finally taking and opening up, she didn't want to disturb her. She could only silently reassure Aden.

"When I finally had the courage to speak up to my family that's when hell broke loose, nobody believed me, which caused a lot of tensions and break ups, I had moved back in with my mother and my brother, everyone had cut us off. It was difficult for everyone involved. Eventually my mother cut me off too after a long period of unhappiness and abuse. She had become violent with me due to the fact that our family was now split. I guess she felt alone not having her siblings and parents by her side... but what about me you know?"

Her voice cracked. The flow of tears had started again. Rayanne reached out her hand and wiped her tears. She felt horrible, and angry at how her family treated her. None of it was her fault, she did not deserve it she thought.

"She would have random angry burst with me, hit me with random things for the littlest things. She would talk down on me and my brother too sometimes. But mostly me. She'd kick me out, doo all types of crazy shit. I was scared, intimidated by her. I blamed myself. Because if only had I not opened my mouth. None of this would be happening."

"No you did the right thing Aden" Rayanne managed to slip out.

"When I turned 13 she met a new guy, they ended up getting married and had two kids, my younger siblings. That's when the mistreatment started. My step dad and mother would starve my brother and I, beat us black and blue. I would go to school with cuts and bruises. Dried blood behind my ears from them twisting it so hard... teachers noticed and called the police.. my brother and I ended up at the hands of the system."

A dark chuckle escaped her lips, she shook her head reminiscing "it was hell" she breathed out.

"When I turned 15 I was back home. My brother too, I guess she had become used to not seeing us, as soon as we got back she left us. For a month. Occasionally coming to drop us food when we wasn't home. One day she finally had enough and said fuck us. She left us. Abandoned us, without forgetting to to remind us that he hated us."

At this point Rayanne was lost for words, she couldn't believe what she had heard.

"You're joking right" she asked in disbelief

"No she took her babies and her new man and left us. We ended up homeless. So my brother had to do what he had to do so we could survive."

Nodding her head Rayanne fully understood, she sympathised, and now she understood parts of Aden.

"Do you miss her?" She asked

Aden's tongue poked at the side of her cheek, she looked up as if she was thinking.

"I used to miss her. I mourned her. I needed my mother. Now not so much. You learn to deal with it you know?" She shrugged

"Yeah I get it.."

Silent fell upon them, both girls were deep in their thoughts

"You know.." Rayanne started "I want to apologise properly. I'm sorry for the way I first treated you. I couldn't understand you and instead of trying I judged you , I egged you on and I shouldn't have.

"You didn't know the full extend" Aden tried to reason

"Exactly I didn't know, so I shouldn't have even acted on it. I didn't know you, I still don't but I know you and your story a little better now. So from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry."

Still holding onto her hand, she squeezed it tight. Aden's body shifted so she was now fully facing Rayanne.

"I accept your apology Rayanne" cracking a small smile she returned the hand squeeze.

"Come here" whispered Rayanne as she pushed back her seat. "I mean if that's okay with you. I just wanna give you a hug" she continued.

Timidly nodding Aden scooted closer, she had to slightly get on top of her other wise she would be in an awkward position. They both leaned in at the same time, as soon as their body collided, they both breathed out a breath none of them knew was holding. The hug was soft as a blanket, as they both relaxed into it , it grew tighter, it felt needed. Aden's head rested at the crook of Rayanne's neck breathing in her scent. That's what she was longing for. She never wanted to let go, she felt safe in her embrace. Rayanne's arm were much bigger and stronger than hers , her tiny body sinking into hers. A tingling sensation creeped up on her, it felt good.

"Thank you" she voiced.

Heyyy❤️❤️ it's been a looooong time I know! I had to sort out my mental health for a little while but I'm back and better now and ready to finish this story ❤️❤️

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