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Aden Park

A week has passed since Aden's departure from the hospital, she's had a lot of rest since then and somewhat felt better. But the the evident heavy red eyes, dark circles and pale skin were clear evidence that the issue wasn't solved, she was in pain still, mentally that is. Aden was hurting, and she was over it. Over the pain. She's been dealing with it ever since being a young girl, from the tender age of 9 she was already experiencing with heart break, depression, anxiety, disappointment you name it. And she was clearly done. She just wanted things to be over so she could be at peace for once, and that's the one thing people didn't understand.

How could they though. Aden couldn't help being the way she was, a lot of people judged without the knowledge of things. They called her names like slut, attention seeker, a liar and manipulator, it took a toll on her and she started to believe all those things eventually. If only they could understand how she got here. But they couldn't because they never tried.

Wiping the sleep off her face Aden got out of bed and checked her phone, it was 12pm and she had no desire to do anything today, scrolling briefly through it a sigh of exhaustion escaped her lips, her socials were blowing up, and so was messages and calls from her best friend, she couldn't face it right now, she couldn't face the mockery, the questions or even the concerns from her best friend, right now she just wanted to be left alone.   She didn't even know when she would go back to school, she couldn't care less at this point though.

Walking to her kitchen she spotted Ezra eating a bowl of cereal scrolling through his phone. He has been staying with her since the incident, he was even more on guard with Aden now, she's tried so many times to end her life he couldn't risk it this time, he could see how serious she was. It was obviously affecting him a lot, from the bags under his eyes and unkept beard, he was going through it too. Aden felt bad of course she hated seeing her brother loose sleep over her, she wanted him to have a peaceful stress free life, more reason as to why she needed to go. She's out him through enough already. Pain didn't last forever she thought. Yes it would hurt him for a while but he would get over it.

Noticing Aden enter the room, he quickly got up on his feet skipping over to give her a hug.

"Hey how you sleep" he asked.

Forcing a smile she replied "good".

He let go heading back to his bowl and Aden followed taking a seat next to him. Ezra ate his cereal whilst observing his baby sister. He knew she was not doing good mentally, physically, she was drained he obviously sensed it. It killed him having to see her suffer and not being able to do anything. It made him feel like a bum. Like he wasn't shit. He couldn't call himself her protector if he couldn't even do that one thing. Tension grew high, the both of them sat quietly deep in their thoughts.

Clearing his throat Ezra began speaking.

"Your friend Kiyah managed to get a hold of me... I explained to her what happened"

Ezra announced. He scanned over his sister's face trying to see any sort of emotion peek through. A small frown grew on Aden's face, it obviously bothered her, she didn't mean to ignore her only friend but she has been going through a lot.

"I know.. she's been contacting me ever since. I will talk to her when I'm ready." She replied.

Nodding his head in agreement Ezra pushed his bowl further from him. "I understand A and I understand you're trying to get your mind right, but don't push away the people that are trying to be there for you and help you"

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