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Aden Park


"Yo open up!"


"Aden are you in there?" The person asked concerned.

"Aden??" They banged on the door again.

Aden was laid up on the bathroom floor going in and out of consciousness, but she could recognise that voice from a mile away, it was her big brother. She tried to respond but she was becoming faint and weak by the second.


He tried to bust the door open but failed. Panicking Ezra ran back outside to his car, with sweaty and shaky hands he reached for the glove department, retrieving a glock 26. Running back into the apartment he headed straight to the stairs, thanking the Gods she was only on the third floor. The door was still open and the house was quiet as a mouse. Sweat was running down his face, he was scared.

He stared at the door hopeless "Please if you hear me get away from the door Aden!" He pleaded with her. He still got no reply.

Gripping onto his gun he prayed that she wasn't in the way of his gun, but he knew it was the only way to get her out of that room, he had no choice.
He closed his eyes, silently praying for his sister. With one swift move he shot perfectly at the locked door. He cringed at the sound, the door slightly creeped open making his stomach turn, he softly pushed the door and sobbed at the sight of his sister. She laid flat on her back, pale. He scanned the room and found a bottle of pills by the sink, his heart sank.

He tucked away his gun and reached out to her and picked her up.

"Bro not again, don't do this shit to me Aden!" He cried.

"Aden bro I swear to God bro don't do this!"

He checked for her pulse and initially find nothing. She was sweaty and cold. He eyed her body closely looking for any sign, any cuts or blood. But he found no fresh ones, that's when he realised what she had done. 

"Fuck!" He hissed.


Soon as they reached the hospital the nurses and paramedics didn't waste no time on putting Aden on a stretcher.

"Attention Presbyterian emergency department. Medic 45 in route with a code blue. Female, 18, no vitals. ETA 5 minutes. Pills found at the scene." A paramedic said into a talky walky.

It was like the floor had been tipped and everyone and everything , doctors, nurses, technicians, flowed to the one room set up for resuscitations at the Presbyterian New York City hospital. Ezra intensely watched as three people lined up to take turns doing chest compressions. A man came up to him and shook his hand introducing himself as Dr Eric. He opened an app on his iPhone to a metronome, matching the beat of the recently stopped heart.

Paramedics put the stretcher on the bed. The nurses began cutting Aden's clothes her skin looked pale, almost blue.

"Start compressions please," Dr. Eric said.

A paramedic gave a report. "Four Epis so far," he said, referring to doses of epinephrine, used to chemically restart a heart. "Pupils fixed and dilated."

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