The Snap

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Y/N pov

We try and unsurprisingly fail to negotiate with Thanos's army. No one wanted to let me join the battle because I'm pregnant but we all knew we would need all the help we could get. As everyone lines up preparing for the borders to open, I stand beside Bucky and Nat. 

Everyone savors the last few seconds with our loved ones, knowing not all of us could be coming back. With a last glance at Steve, Nat, Sam, Bruce, Rhodey, and Bucky; we start running towards the approaching army without looking back. 

10 minutes into fighting everyone is holding their own until these razor blades decide to be a total bitch and try to kill us. The blades are heading straight at me, Nat and Okoye. Right before they kill us Wanda appears and helps me pull them into the air and crash them around us. Okoye looks over to Wanda who is now helping us leaving Vision unprotected, "Why was she up there all this time?!"

I always liked Okoye for her sarcastic attitude, much like mine. Before us, four can continue our fighting we see Vision get launched out of Shuri's lab.

"We got a Vision situation," Sam exclaims over the coms.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve yells.

"On my way," Wanda says just before she is attacked by the blue bitch of a woman. I quickly stab each hyena thing that I am currently fighting through the head before running over to deliver a painful blow to the women's shoulder.

"He'll die alone, as will you," She tells Wanda.

"She's not alone," Nat interrupts and she, Okoye, and I surround the women.

"Too bad she has friends like us," I state before all four of us take on this woman before Wanda and I launch her into a blade.

Nat, Okoye, Wanda, and I all flinch at the gruesome blue blood that goes everywhere. Nat props herself up before mumbling, "That was really gross."

"You can say that again," I respond, "Also, Okoye you and Shuri are invited to our next girls' night!"

Okoye perks up at the sounds of that, "Finally a chance to outnumber the man!"

Wanda, Nat, and I all hurry to Visions location. Before we enter the forest where he is I stop to turn around when I hear an all too familiar sound. I can't help but start to tear up in joy and hope at the sight of Thor, with his hair far shorter I'll admit but Thor nonetheless!

"Bring me, Thanos!" He screams as he joins the battle.

I follow the other girls into the forest knowing that is where we are needed. Wanda goes to find Vision while I go over to Steve and help him up from the ground, "Are you ok?" I ask worriedly.

"Ya, I've had worse," He laughs.

"Thor is alive, he is here!" I say still in disbelief.

Steve gives me a hug, "Oh thank god! That is great news!" 

Before we can go and find any other opponents to fight, a blue portal opens to reveal a face I have come to fear and loathe. When he locks eyes with me he has the audacity to smirk and say, "I have been excited to meet you in person."

"You killed the most important person to me, you will pay!" I scream before I slam him into a rock wall with my powers. What scares me is that when I look down at his gauntlet I see 5 stones all in his grasp. Leaving only Visions. After a few moments of struggle Thanos uses the power stone to bash me against a large tree.

I use my powers to protect my abdomen and softens the hit, but it still hurts like hell. What hurts more is to feel myself being held in place by Thanos, and see how he takes down every one of my friends and family members as easily as a person would a moth.

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