A Second Chance

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My breathing hitches, "No," I whisper. My eyes start to tear up and my breathing exhilarates, "Please no. I can't do this, I can't do it."

"Vormir wasn't what we thought it would be," is all Tony can say with a sniffly nose.

"We have the stones right?" I ask.

They all nod, "Then we can get her back, just snap and boom she is back."

"It doesn't work like that," Steve tells me.

"Oh, bull shit it doesn't work like that."

"Y/N you have to calm down you are not stable enough to freak out," Tony says with a worried voice.

"I'll do what I want!" I yell, "I just lost my best friend, the only girl that has been through ANYTHING that I went through. She dedicated her life to helping people. Why can't we do her a favor and get her back!"

"Because she is dead!" Steve says loudly, "She is gone and she is not coming back."

Loki can tell I am about to have a panic attack so he gently sits onto the bed and takes me in his arms, "Darling, what happened happened. I am so sorry. For everything, all we can do is hope that her sacrifice didn't go to waste."

I sob into his chest as I let out all my sadness, worry, and regret.

Everyone leaves aside from Loki and me. "What are we going to tell the kids?" I sniffle after a few minutes.

Loki sighs before running his hand through his hair, "I don't know, but they are old enough to understand."

I then remember, "Wait, how long was I out? Where are the stones? How are the rest of the team? Is anyone else injured?"

"You were out for 5 hours, we did get all the stones, the team is definitely shaken from what happened to Natasha but no-one else was injured," Loki lists off.

"When is everyone going to try to use the stones, to you know," I say as I snap my fingers.

"We were thinking about doing it as soon as possible, but we all needed time to cope over Natasha. And to make sure you were stable and awake," He tells me already knowing what I am going to say, "Do not even try to-"

"But what if I healed myself like right now, so I should be good to go by tonight."

"You will still be exhausted," He lectures me.

I interrupt him again, "Like we haven't fought earth threatening villains while a little tired. I need to be there, there should be no fight or big battle because we are just snapping our fingers. Please let me be in the room, not in a wheelchair with stitches."

He sighs and groans, "Fine, but I do not like this."

Before I can say anything else lift up my hoodie and channel my powers in order to direct them into the right side of my rib cage where the stab wound was. After a minute I start to get very tired and feel light-headed. I sway in my bed a little bit but I keep pushing as I see the wound begin to close.

The heartbeat monitor starts to pick up as I almost pass out, but I am almost finished. Loki stabilizes me in his arms so I don't fall, "Tony! Steve!" He yells.

Everyone comes rushing into the room, Tony and Bruce start checking the monitors, "I'm fine," I mumble as I fall back into Loki's arms in my bed. "The wound healed all around and my head injury from the wall hit is fine now as well."

"The wall hit?!" Everyone yells.

"Did I say that out loud?" I awkwardly laugh. Everyone just looks at me in disbelief and frustration, "Ok fine, one of them threw me into a wall kinda hard."

"As I have been asking for the past 5 hours, who did this to her?!" Loki seethes.

"The chitauri," Steve mumbles.

"I'm sorry?" Loki asks.

"The Chitauri!" Loki freezes at the mention, "We were ambushed by 6 in an alley and Y/N helped me take down a couple of my opponents not giving her time to properly check over her own 3." Steve says, "One snuck up from behind at the end and ya," He trails off.

"Ok, that's enough!" I yell at everyone. Loki sits up from my bed and rushes out of the room, Thor chases after him and I get out of my bed to follow as well. Until my stupid brain has to go light-headed making me stumble and almost fall if Tony hadn't caught me, "Let me go after him."

"Thor is with him, he will be fine. What you need to do is stay in bed," Steve warns me.

"First of all I just healed myself so I am fine, second of all I want to be with him as well. Third of all, he is not fine can't you idiots see that. He blames himself for what happened to me because past him lead the attack in New York even though it wasn't his fault because of Thanos mind-controlling him!" I shout.

I try to push through the crowd of people holding me in the room but I am too weak to push through or to use my powers. Tony and Steve guide me back to the bed, "Please just don't do anything with the sonnets if I'm not there," I say.

They look at each other, "Ok fine. We are still trying to come up with who will use the stones," Steve says as I begin o speak."

"And you have already been ruled out as a contender. Because you are still recovering from being injured. So don't even try to convince us otherwise," Tony tells me, "The best thing you can do for the team and for yourself is to get some rest."

"I don't like not knowing how Loki is," I mumble.

"I will go check on him and wake you up if anything is wrong," Tony gently tells me.

"Fine," I say as I use my powers to turn out the lights.

"And stop using your powers!" Tony yells as he goes to find Loki.

Steve sits beside me obviously shaken from what happened to Nat, "Get some sleep, I'll stay here." He says.

"I miss her," I shiver.

"Me too," he responds.

With that said I easily go to sleep, exhausted from the past 20 minutes both emotionally, mentally, and physically.

I wake up to a familiar voice, "Darling, we are about to use the stones. Do you wish to accompany us?"

"You know it," I say as I use my powers to change into my uniform as does he, "So who is doing it?"

"We decided that Bruce is the fittest for the job," He sighs.

We walk into the large room where everyone is suited up, Loki still wants to keep close to me so I don't get further injured, stupid. As we walk in I try to get everyone a little excited, "Ok, let's do this!"

We all find some form of shelter, Clint and Tony are behind Tony's shield. Steve is using his shield. Rhodey is in his suit and I make a dome over Loki, Thor, and myself.

"Bring everyone back," Bruce mumbles. As the stones travel up Bruce's arm, he grunts in pain and goes down to one knee.

"Take it off! Take it off!" Thor yells in worry.

"Banner you good?" Tony asks.

Bruce nods before he manages to use his hand to snap, a white light crashes into everyone until we manage to open our eyes and look around. Nothing is different until I hear chirping. I set down the protective dome as I head towards the window, I see two birds together.

"I think it worked!" Clint yells as his phone rings.

"It did!" I say in disbelief. My frown drops however when the sunny sky is covered with a dark ship that is all too familiar. I back up a few feet still in sight of the ship and a bright object coming right at us.

"Y/N get away from the window!" Steve yells right before Loki sprints over and pulls me into his arms before the missile crashes into the building.


I am not ready for the next chapters.

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