Feels Like Home

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"Knowing you guys, I want to make it abundantly clear that you cannot work out for the next few days because your hearts could go into cardiac arrest." Bruce lectures us.

I raise my hands as Loki laughs, "I am offended that you think we would do such a thing."

I get up with a grunt before sneaking into the room and picking up Harriet from behind as Loki grabs Caden, "How about some cookies before lunch!" I say as the kids shout in excitement.

We four spend the next hour together making cookies and joking around. After the cookies are ready to eat I grab a plate and take them over to the group that is sitting on the couch with Steve, Tony, Pepper, Peter, Sam, Rhodey, Thor, and Bruce.

"Thought you would enjoy these," I say as I place them down. I sit beside Bucky as He pulls me in for a hug and ruffles my hair.

As everyone is talking with each other catching up Bucky talks to me "The kids are great."

"I am happy that you guys are getting along well. I told them about you in the past years. How are you feeling about Steve returning the stones?"

"I am feeling ok. While I want to go with him there aren't enough particles for that. He is going tomorrow morning." He shrugs.

"He will be alright." I say to him before deciding to go catch up with Peter, "If you'll excuse me."

I sit next to Peter as I give him a large hug, "I missed you, Parker."

"I missed you too."

"I assume you have gotten in touch with ned and MJ?"

The blush on his cheeks is enough to know the answer. We catch up for a bit longer until I decided to ask the question that has been in my head for a bit, "So where is Wanda?"

"In her room," Sam responds.

"Ok thanks," I say as I head up to her old room and knock on the door, "Housekeeping."

The door creeps open and I step inside to see Wanda curled up on her bed looking at a photo of her and Vision. I lie down next to her as she rolls over to face me, "Hey."

"Hey," She sniffles, "I just really miss him."

I pull her in for a hug as she begins to sob into my chest, "I know you do. I am so sorry that that happened to you. no-one deserves that, especially you."

I brush her hair with my fingers as I hold her for as long as she needs. After she calmed down I could tell she was getting a little hungry, "I made my custom cookies if you want to come down for some and maybe help me make some dinner, you are more than welcome." I say knowing she loves cooking.

"I would like that," She sniffs as we head downstairs together.

One hour later, dinner is on the table and we are all gathered around eating quietly. Noticing the missing person at the table.

"It feels wrong," Bruce mumbles.

I put down my fork which I was using to poke at the salad on my plate as I began to chuckle. No matter how much I tried to stay quiet I just lost it and began cackling with laughter, I look over and see Wanda in the same boat as myself, "I- re-remember that time on a girl's night." I manage to get out in between laughs.

"With the store!" Wanda giggled.

"Dad? I think mom lost it?" Harriet whispers which makes everyone chuckle.

My laughter slowly dies down, "We never went back again." 

"And never will," Wanda laughs before we both slowly stop laughing, realizing that we really never will go back with Nat.

Our Hearts Are Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें