The New Normal

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5 years later

Y/N pov

"Harriet! You better not be playing tricks again!" I shout, "She gets this from you, you know," I laugh.

"That means I have done my job well," Loki laughs as he sits down with me on our couch.

Suddenly a familiar-looking strawberry blond head pops out, "Yes mom?" She replies with a tiny smirk.

"I know that face anywhere, what are you up to," I jokingly interrogate.

"Nothing much, just setting up some welcomes for Uncle blondie and Old metal man," Caden says.

This makes Loki and I laugh, "Well you better let us in on these 'welcomes' then," Loki tells them. As the kids bounce over to their surprises Loki murmurs to me, "He gets that from you, you know." I slap his arm in response.

"Well, it is important that someone knows how to speak their mind, especially with some sarcastic attitude tied in," I lecture him as we walk over to our 8 and 10-year-olds.

"Alright kids, go get changed. The family will be here in half an hour," Loki says as he and I go to finish prepping dinner, "When was the last time that the entire gang was back together?"

I think for a few seconds, "I think the last time we all hung out was last year."

Loki and I had probably been the most social of the team, which is saying something. We try to catch up with everyone at least once every month or two. Tony and his family are great, Bruce and Natasha are doing alright together. I would say that Steve is one of the worst-off folks, he seems fine from first glance but I know him better than that. Clint is still MIA which we are all sad about, we keep tabs on him but we know he doesn't want to be found. Bruce, Natasha, and Steve all keep in touch; Loki and I keep everyone in touch with each other through our numerous visits. Thor does not really hang out with the team, it just brings back all of his past thoughts; thinking about how he failed and everything. 

A month after Loki and I moved to New Asgard with Thor we found two kids who were abandoned from birth. They were 5 and 3 years old. Their names were Caden and Harriet, from the first minute that we saw them Loki and I knew that we wanted to adopt them. 

Harriet was only 3 at the time and happily adjusted to our new family. While Caden took a few weeks to warm up to us; understandably. After a month we introduced our new family to Thor, Harriet loved how naive Thor was and thought he was really funny. While Caden grew a closer bond with Tony and his sarcastic attitude. They both loved Steve, Nat, and Bruce, and everyone else in the family. We tell them stories about those that aren't with us anymore so they know about them.

Thor and Steve were uncles while Nat was their aunt, the kids honestly helped keep the group in touch. Caden liked to tease Tony by calling him old metal man, his reaction is always priceless. Rhodey is always away keeping an eye on other parts of the world but the kids like how Rhodey is very sarcastic on our facetime calls. I still miss Bucky, Wanda, Peter, Vision, Sam, Shuri, T'Challa, and everyone else that we lost but everyone has found a sense of normality now, even if it is not our ideal world. Don't get me wrong I love my family, however, I do still hope to find a way to bring everyone back. Some night when I can't sleep I open up a hidden file in my desk and start to research how to reverse the past effects of Thanos.

I hear a knock at the door which causes the kids to sprint to the window and look out, "It's the old metal man!" Caden yells.

Harriet opens the door and waves in excitement, "And Morgan!"

Thor then suddenly lands on the grassy field with Storm Breaker and scoops Harriet up as she jumps into his arms, "Greetings little mischief girl!" He says. Loki and I walk out into the field and give everyone a hug. 

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