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1 September 1998


Standing outside Dumbledore's office with Harry clutched tightly in his arms, Malfoy looked at Snape's back. 'Sherbet Lemon.' hissed snape to the gargoyle. And it opened. When they reached Dumbledore's desk, the said man with white beard looked up through his half moon spectacles and smiled. "Ah Severus my boy. Finally had time to visit an old man here huh?" He asked warmly.

"Headmaster." Snape greeted. "Oh drop the formality my boy. It's Albus. And who do we have here?" He asked, noticing Draco malfoy with a lump clutched tightly in his arms. "Albus. We have a situation here." Snape replied.

And went into detailed explanation of the said 'situation'. While Albus heard all of it with his everlasting smile, Harry poked his head out of Draco's neck and admired his surroundings. The place was entirely new and fascinating for him.

After Snape finished narrating all about the 'accident' Albus smiled and approached Harry. " Now we have a unique situation here. Well hello there young Harry. I am Albus." He introduced. Harry looked at Albus and grinned. 'Alwus." He greeted him.

Dumbledore laughed and handed him a candy which Harry began to eat happily. Still in Draco's arms. But Draco didn't mind. He was so light that Draco barely felt any weight.

"Now as you said Severus, Harry here would be completely normal in four months. And would be in the process of growing up in between this period. So till Christmas, he needs a guardian. As an adult. And No, Mr. Malfoy just turned 18 last month so he can't be considered one yet." Albus explained.

"So what do you want me to do Dumbledore?" Snape asked, frowning. Dumbledore ignored him and looked at Harry. "Harry dear. As it seems you are going to live here for few months with us." He explained. "Hwarry live here?" He asked. Albus nodded.

"Yay! Hwarry live with Dwaco." The child exclaimed joyfully. Draco's eyes widened dramatically. "Me?" He sputtered. Dumbledore smiled.

"So it seems to keep Harry close to Draco, it is convenient for you Severus to become his guardian.'' Albus explained with an amused smile. "ME?" Snape nearly shrieked. Draco found it comical.

"Yes. That way, Harry can live in Slytherin dorms with Draco. Considering the boy has his own personal room, that would not be a problem. And his guardian that is you Severus, can keep an eye on him for four months." Dumbledore stated.

Snape paled dramatically. He needs to be guardian of Potter's spawn for four months! No way. He looked at Harry. Harry looked at him grinning widely with his big green eyes shining brightly. His eyes. Lily's eyes.

Severus closed his eyes and sighed. He will do it. He will do it for Lily. "Fine. But don't expect me to be all mumma duck and coddle this little spawn." Snape snapped at Dumbledore. Dumbledore laughed lightly. "We will see that after four months Severus." He retorted.

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